Vaccine Awareness Week (VAW)

Since 2010, the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) and have joined together to co-sponsor Vaccine Awareness Week (VAW) to raise public awareness about the urgent need for those operating the mass vaccination system in the U.S. to make vaccine safety and informed consent protections a much higher priority. 

This is a critical time in our country’s history and NVIC is dedicated to providing the public the most well researched and accurate information on vaccines, vaccine policies and, informed consent from our perspective after 40 years of being on the front lines of the informed consent to vaccination battle. Whether you are a student, a mom, chiropractor, medical worker, childbirth instructor, teacher – whatever you do to fulfill your purpose -  you can help spread the word and let others know about Vaccine Awareness Week.

Click below to review Vaccine Awareness Week efforts.

Vaccine Awareness Week begins Sunday, Nov. 13 and is dedicated to raising awareness about vaccination, health, and informed consent. Throughout the week new and exclusive interviews, articles and reports will be released and  accessible by visiting this webpage and clicking on the link under each Vaccine Awareness Week feature, which will close Saturday, Nov. 19, 2022.

In its 13th year, Vaccine Awareness Week 2022 is cosponsored by the charitable non-profit National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) and holistic health pioneer Dr. Joseph Mercola, founder of During the event Dr. Mercola will be matching the first $100,000 in donations made to NVIC. Click the button below to make your tax-deductible donation today and double the support that NVIC receives!

Donate Now!

Spread the Word: Promote links to this webpage and/or display our event poster (click to download color or  grayscale) in your local library, grocery stores, offices and more!

2022 Vaccine Awareness Week Schedule

RELEASED: An Estimated 50% of Americans Now Question Vaccine Safety.


A thought-provoking video interview conducted by Dr. Joe Mercola with NVIC Co-founder and President Barbara Loe Fisher. They talk about the coronavirus pandemic and COVID vaccine, censorship of online information about vaccination, coverup of mRNA vaccine risks and failures, the growing public skepticism about the integrity of the mass vaccination system, and more. Click to view...

RELEASED: Weaponizing COVID to Promote Collectivism.

BLF 2022 VAW Commentary

Barbara Loe Fisher, NVIC Co-founder and President, provides her unique, experienced perspective and opinion about a recent Lancet Commission report, which demands the U.S. government become a collectivist society that devalues individual rights. She warns of what is coming as the public health elites continue to expand their power and call for the elimination of the human right to autonomy, which would require the U.S. to disempower the states and centralize authority under the federal government. Their goal, she says, is to require all governments to implement health policies and regulations enacted by the United Nations' World Health Organization (WHO).Click to view...

RELEASED: 2022 Annual Report on State Vaccine Legislation - 475 Bills Worth Supporting This Year! 

BLF/Richardson VAW 2022

NVIC’s Annual State Vaccine Legislation Report summarizes the most recent data from the NVIC Advocacy Portal. In 2022, NVIC reviewed and monitored nearly 900 vaccine-related bills across the country. Use this report to learn what is happening in your state. Click to view...

RELEASED SATURDAY, NOV. 19: Free Screening of Safe and Effective: A Second Opinion

VAW 2022 Screening

The compelling new documentary Safe and Effective: A Second Opinion highlights Covid-19 vaccine injuries and the systemic failings that contributed to them. The film also explores pharmaceutical trials, agencies regulating vaccines, scientists influencing policy, and the role of the media and Big Tech companies in censoring debate on COVID-19 vaccines. Click to view...

Enjoy the articles from Vaccine Awareness Week 2021, co-sponsored by the non-profit charity National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) and holistic health pioneer Dr. Joseph Mercola, founder of Our annual Vaccine Awareness Week is a week dedicated to raising awareness about vaccination, health and informed consent.

Since 1982, NVIC’s mission has been to prevent vaccine injuries and deaths through public education. In defense of human rights, including freedom of thought, speech, conscience and informed consent to medical risk taking, which includes vaccine risk taking, NVIC works to secure and protect flexible medical, religious and conscientious belief exemptions in U.S. vaccine policies and laws.

Vaccine Awareness Week Schedule

Spread the word and pass this information on to your family and friends. Revisit this webpage during Vaccine Awareness Week (VAW) for release of live links to video interviews, commentaries, articles and an exciting 2021 annual vaccine legislation action report.

Mercola Interview w/Barbara

Video Interview with Dr. Joe Mercola and Barbara Loe Fisher

Click to access the interview transcriptvideo interview, and podcast for the Sept. 26 featured content.

NVIC’s president and Dr. Mercola discuss COVID, the vaccine, censorship and the attack on doctors and the vaccine safety and informed consent advocates publishing accurate information about the SARS-CoV-2 virus and COVID-19 vaccine. This in-depth interview examines the coercive measures and authoritarian approach undertaken by government and doctors to vaccinate all Americans, which poses a very real threat to civil liberties and human rights. The conversation includes a look at the role that government, media, big tech companies, and social media platforms play in stifling dissent by censoring the expression opposing viewpoints.

Scott Jensen Video

Encore Presentation! Censoring Freedom of Speech by Minnesota State Senator Scott Jensen, M.D.

Click to access the video or download the podcast for the VAW Sept. 27 featured speaker.

A family practice physician of 30 years and 2016 “Minnesota Family Physician of the Year”, Senator Jensen discusses his experience with censorship, the dangers of group-think and what Americans can do to be effective advocates for vaccine freedom of choice with family, friends and elected officials.

Forced Vaccination Video

Forced Vaccination Was Always the End Game by Barbara Loe Fisher

In this referenced commentary Barbara Loe Fisher, NVIC's co-founder and president, describes the move toward authoritarianism in U.S. public health policies during the COVID-19 pandemic, which threatens civil liberties and the human right to informed consent to medical risk-taking. She talks about how Americans can participate in all levels of government to change laws and protect freedom of thought, speech, conscience and assembly.

Fr. Copenhagen Video

Encore Presentation! The Moral Right to Exercise the Judgement of Conscience by Fr. Michael Copenhagen

Click to access the video or download the podcast for the VAW Sept. 29 featured speaker.

A summa cum laude graduate with a degree in philosophy and magna cum laude graduate with a master’s degree in theology, Fr. Michael Copenhagen discusses the dangers of coercive public health policies and vaccine mandates that attempt to force individuals to violate their conscience.

NVICAP video

U.S. Vaccine Legislation & Vaccine Freedom of Choice Advocacy

Barbara Loe Fisher, co-founder and president, National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC), and Dawn Richardson, NVIC’s director of advocacy, have a conversation about NVIC’s 2021 State Legislation Report that reveals no state legislature mandated the COVID-19 vaccine in the 2021 legislative session. They review highlights of proposed vaccine-related bills and summarize which ones passed and which ones were defeated in different states and give practical tips for being an effective vaccine choice advocate at the local and state level.

Vera Sharav Video

Encore Presentation! Medical Atrocities: From Auschwitz to Tuskeegee and Beyond by Vera Sharav

Click to view the presentation or download the podcast for the VAW Oct. 1 featured speaker.

A Holocaust survivor and founder of the Alliance for Human Research Protection, Ms. Sharav’s human rights advocacy and testimony helped shut down 29 clinical trials that violated ethical principles at the National Institutes of Health. Her presentation discusses the birth of the informed consent ethic and draws parallels between Nazi propaganda used to stigmatize Jews as a threat to public health during WWII and today's efforts by government health officials to track the unvaccinated, censor opposing viewpoints about COVID-19 policies and protocols, and restrict movement in society, which poses a threat to freedom.

Beginning Sunday, Sept. 20 and through Saturday, Sept. 26, 2020, the non-profit charity National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) and holistic health pioneer Dr. Joseph Mercola, founder of, are co-sponsoring Annual Vaccine Awareness Week, a week dedicated to raising awareness about vaccination, health and informed consent.

Since 1982, NVIC’s mission has been to prevent vaccine injuries and deaths through public education. In defense of human rights, including freedom of thought, speech, conscience and informed consent to medical risk taking, which includes vaccine risk taking, NVIC works to secure and protect flexible medical, religious and conscientious belief exemptions in U.S. vaccine policies and laws.

Vaccine Awareness Week Links & Details

Please pass this information on to your family and friends.  Revisit this webpage during Vaccine Awareness Week (VAW) Sept. 20-26, 2020 for release of live links to video interviews, commentaries, articles and a special NVIC legislation action report on the following days in the schedule below.

Video Interview with Dr. Joe Mercola and Barbara Loe Fisher

Click here to view the VAW Sept. 20 featured interview and here to download the podcast.

NVIC’s president and Dr. Mercola discuss a wide range of topics during their conversation, including fallout from this year’s lockdown related to the coronavirus pandemic and the development of COVID-19 vaccines to the status of vaccine legislation in the U.S. during this legislative session. During the interview, Barbara Loe Fisher reveals the names of the more than 40 speakers who will be presenting at NVIC’s upcoming Fifth International Public Conference on Vaccination being held online Oct. 16-18, 2020. With the theme Protecting Health and Autonomy in the 21st Century, NVIC’s conference will be an historic examination of current vaccine science, policy, law and ethics and the urgent need to protect civil liberties, including freedom of thought and conscience. 

Vaccination: What's Trust Got To Do With It? by Barbara Loe Fisher

In this illustrated video and referenced written commentary, NVIC co-founder and president Barbara Loe Fisher provides analysis and perspective about why more than two-thirds of Americans and a majority of people in Europe say they will decline to get a COVID-19 vaccination when the new coronavirus vaccine is licensed. In the latest chapter of her ongoing special report on The Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic, she gives an overview of events related to the coronavirus pandemic declaration by the World Health Organization last winter and describes the consequences of strict social distancing regulations, including masking and quarantines, which has further eroded trust in government health officials, public health laws and vaccines.

Addressing major questions that people have about the coronavirus, testing and immunity, she talks about public protests against the lockdown restrictions in different countries and gives her perspective about what may happen if calls for laws that will mandate COVID-19 vaccinations for all children and adults are enacted once the new coronavirus vaccines are licensed. An insightful analysis of what has happened this year and what may happen next year anchored with more than 150 hyperlinked references, this commentary provides good information you can use to educate your family and friends.


U.S. Vaccine Legislation & Vaccine Freedom of Choice Advocacy

In NVIC's annual report on state vaccine legislation the NVIC Advocacy Team analyzes and explains in detail what types of vaccine-related bills were passed or defeated in state legislatures in 2020. Also featured is a video discussion between Barbara Loe Fisher and Dawn Richardson about major types of vaccine-related legislation introduced in the states and their perspective on what may occur in 2021.

The annual report details how NVIC actively reported on more than 232 bills in 39 states and the District of Columbia through the online NVIC Advocacy Portal. This was the highest number of bills that the NVIC Advocacy team has monitored and reported on since the NVIC Advocacy Portal was launched in 2010.

Significantly, this year out of 13 bills introduced in 10 states to eliminate vaccine exemptions, none passed. Out of 10 bills filed across eight states to restrict vaccine exemptions, only one passed (Colorado). Out of the 123 vaccine-related bills that NVIC opposed, only eight bad bills passed. The 2020 legislative session featured 99 bills that NVIC supported, which is more bills that NVIC has supported since the NVIC Advocacy Portal began operation a decade ago.

This 19-page report breaks down which states passed or defeated vaccine related bills. Find out if your state legislators were among those who introduced bills that NVIC supported or opposed this year and be prepared to get active in defending your right to make informed, voluntary vaccination decisions in your state next year.


Video Conversation: Dr. Joe Mercola Interviews Andy Wakefield

 Dr. Mercola interviews film director Andy Wakefield about why and how he made his new movie 1986: the Act, which is now available to view online and on DVD. The film takes the viewer on a journey of discovery through the eyes of a couple having their first baby, as they ask questions about vaccines and infectious diseases that many first-time parents are asking today. What they (and the audience) find out is a shocking story of betrayal of trust. Factual evidence with documentation is provided in the film demonstrating the fraud and coverup of a pharmaceutical industry who worked with government officials to hide the truth about DPT and other vaccine risks from the public, particularly parents bringing their children to pediatricians for vaccinations.

In the interview, Dr. Mercola asks Wakefield about his career as a gastroenterologist and what happened when he and his colleagues published a paper in the medical literature describing a possible association between gastrointestinal dysfunction and autism. Dr. Wakefield also talks about his new career as a film director and why he researched and worked nearly four years to make 1986: the Act to educate today's generation of parents about the history of how and why vaccine manufacturers were given a liability shield from vaccine injury lawsuits by Congress. He and Dr. Mercola also talk about the new COVID-19 vaccines being developed and the additional liability protection that Congress has handed the industry for those fast tracked vaccines. 

Beginning Sunday, Sept. 22 and through Saturday, Sept. 28, 2019, the non-profit charity National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) and holistic health pioneer Dr. Joseph Mercola, founder of, are co-sponsoring Annual Vaccine Awareness Week, a week dedicated to raising awareness about vaccination, health and informed consent.

Since 1982, NVIC’s mission has been to prevent vaccine injuries and deaths through public education. In defense of human rights, including freedom of thought, speech, conscience and informed consent to medical risk taking, which includes vaccine risk taking, NVIC works to secure and protect flexible medical, religious and conscientious belief exemptions in U.S. vaccine policies and laws.

During Vaccine Awareness Week 2019, Dr. Joseph Mercola will match your donations up to $100,000 to the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC). You can also donate directly to NVIC by CLICKING HERE to help support our mission and join the vaccine freedom of choice movement today!

Make a Donation to NVIC

Vaccine Awareness Week Links & Details

Please pass this information on to your family and friends.  Revisit this webpage during Vaccine Awareness Week Sept. 22-28, 2019 for release of live links to video interviews, commentaries, articles and a special NVIC legislation action report on the following days in the schedule below.


Video Interview with Dr. Joe Mercola and Barbara Loe Fisher

Learn how myths about measles and MMR vaccine are being used to censor and remove vaccine exemptions and threaten civil liberties while more people are asking questions and having doubts about the safety and effectiveness of mandated vaccines.

Click here to view the VAW Sept. 23 featured interview and referenced article.

In a wide-ranging video interview, holistic health pioneer Dr. Joe Mercola and NVIC co-founder and president Barbara Loe Fisher talk about the myths surrounding measles and MMR vaccine and how vaccinated people still can get sub-clinically infected and transmit infections to others, sometimes showing few or no symptoms. They review the 2019 state legislative session, which saw a record number of states introduce bills to restrict or eliminate vaccine exemptions. They describe stepped-up attacks on freedom of speech and efforts by major search engines and social media platforms to censor online conversations about vaccination and health.

Offering perspective from years of experience as a holistic health physician pioneer and a longtime consumer advocate championing informed consent and other human rights, they talk about why it is so important for everyone to get involved and become a vaccine freedom of choice advocate to protect civil liberties, which are being eroded by public–private business partnerships between the pharmaceutical industry, government and medical trade associations.

This year, NVIC has updated the Diseases and Vaccine webpages for Influenza, Pneumococcal and Chickenpox (varicella zoster) on to share with your friends and family. 


"The Disappearing Medical Exemption to Vaccination" by Barbara Loe Fisher

In this eye-opening illustrated video and referenced written commentary, NVIC co-founder and president Barbara Loe Fisher provides analysis and perspective about why the medical exemption to vaccination has become a political football and is disappearing from state public health laws. She describes the lucrative global vaccine market and how private physicians are being enlisted by government to abandon the precautionary and informed consent principles so they can become agents of the state and enforce one-size-fits-all vaccine laws. She reviews the history of the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) and efforts by the forced vaccination lobby to turn ACIP vaccine use recommendations into state vaccine laws that legally prohibit doctors from exercising professional judgment and conscience when granting a child a medical vaccine exemption.

The history of the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) is reviewed, along with what the federal vaccine policymaking committee considers to be contraindications and precautions to vaccination, recommendations that are being turned into state vaccine laws that legally prohibit doctors from exercising professional judgment and conscience when granting a child a medical vaccine exemption. She discusses the gaps in vaccine science that make the codification of extremely narrow CDC vaccine contraindications into state laws a threat to individual and public health. She discusses the gaps in vaccine science that make the codification of extremely narrow CDC vaccine contraindications into state laws a threat to individual and public health.

NVIC has updated the Diseases and Vaccine webpages for Measles on to share with your friends and family. Also, read and share Barbara's 2019 report on "The Science & Politics of Eradicating Measles" here.

pregnant woman vaccine

2019 Influenza Vaccine Update by Dr. Mercola

In this video, Dr. Mercola discusses the reported risks and failures of influenza vaccines, especially for seniors and pregnant women. He points out that secondary infections, such as pneumonia and other respiratory infections, as well as sepsis, are include in influenza death statistics. He provides evidence that flu shots are ineffective in seniors and that there are questions about risk of miscarriage for women receiving flu shots during pregnancy.

Vaccine Exemptions Under Attack in 2019

In the 2019 NVIC Annual Report on U.S. State Vaccine Legislation, the NVIC Advocacy Team analyzes and explains in detail what types of vaccine-related bills were passed or defeated in state legislatures in 2019. NVIC actively reported on more than 200 bills in 40 states and the District of Columbia. Although there were bills proposing to restrict or remove vaccine exemptions in multiple states, only three state legislatures voted to eliminate exemptions, including New York (religious) and Maine (religious and conscience) and Washington state (conscience exemption for MMR vaccine only).

NVIC breaks down which states passed or defeated bills adding new vaccine mandates, enrolling more citizens in electronic vaccine tracking registries, allowing pharmacists to give children vaccines, allowing minor children to get vaccines without the knowledge or consent of their parents, and approving vaccine promotion programs in daycares, schools and residential care facilities. Find out if your state legislators were among those who introduced bills that NVIC supported or opposed this year and if your state is one that NVIC predicts will be targeted by the forced vaccination lobby for potential loss of vaccine exemptions in 2020.


Free Viewing of the film VAXXED: From Cover-Up to Catastrophe

The 2016 documentary, “VAXXED: From Cover-Up to Catastrophe” is a 2016 documentary alleging that the US Centers for Disease Control (CDC, the federal government agency charged with protecting the health of Americans, destroyed data after a 2004 study revealed links between MMR vaccine and autism. The film, which was pulled from the 2016 Tribeca Film Festival after political pressure was put on the festival’s founders to remove it, explores evidence that a senior scientist working at the CDC, who co-authored the 2004 study, admitted the study did give strong evidence for a causal relationship between the MMR (measles-mumps-rubella) vaccine and the development of autism in some children. It also contains powerful testimonials by parents describing how their once healthy children regressed into autism after MMR vaccinations and also features interviews with clinicians and researchers giving their perspective about vaccines and autism, a public conversation that is increasingly being  censored online.


Beginning Sunday, Sept.23 and through Sept. 30, 2018, the non-profit charity National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) and holistic health pioneer Dr. Joseph Mercola, founder of, are co-sponsoring Annual Vaccine Awareness Week, a week dedicated to raising awareness about vaccination, health and informed consent.

Since 1982, NVIC has been dedicated to preventing vaccine injuries and deaths through public education. In defense of human rights, including freedom of thought, speech, conscience and informed consent to medical risk taking, which includes vaccine risk taking, NVIC works to secure flexible medical, religious and conscientious belief exemptions in U.S. vaccine policies and laws.

During Vaccine Awareness Week 2018, Dr. Joseph Mercola will double match your donations up to $100,000 to the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC). You can also donate directly to NVIC by CLICKING HERE to help support our mission and join the vaccine freedom of choice movement today!

Vaccine Awareness Week Links & Details

Please pass this information on to your family and friends.  Revisit this webpage during Vaccine Awareness Week Sept. 23-30, 2018 for release of live links to video interviews, commentaries, articles and a special NVIC legislation action report that will be provided on the following days in the schedule below.

Video Interview with Dr. Joe Mercola and Barbara Loe Fisher and referenced article about influenza and pertussis vaccine risks and failures, how to stay healthy during the flu season, and protecting vaccine freedom of choice (video and article no longer available)

In a wide-ranging video interview, holistic health pioneer Dr. Joe Mercola and NVIC co-founder and president Barbara Loe Fisher talk about influenza and pertussis vaccine risks and failures and how vaccinated people still can get infected and transmit infections to others, sometimes showing few or no symptoms. Giving their perspective from years of experience as a holistic health physician pioneer and a longtime consumer advocate championing vaccine informed consent rights, they talk about why it is so important for everyone to be aware of efforts by the vaccine industry to restrict the legal right to make voluntary vaccine decisions in America.

NVIC has updated the Diseases and Vaccine webpages for Influenza and Pertussis on to share with your friends and family.

beating drum

Video and referenced written commentary "The Pertussis Vaccine Blame Game" by Barbara Loe Fisher

In this eye-opening illustrated video and referenced written commentary, NVIC co-founder and president Barbara Loe Fisher reviews the history of whole cell pertussis vaccine and DPT vaccine injury lawsuits in the 1980s and why parents of DPT vaccine injured children worked for more than a decade to get a less toxic acellular pertussis vaccine (DtaP) licensed for babies in 1996. Anchored with more than 150 references, primarily from the medical literature, this commentary explains why both old and new pertussis vaccines are failing and why the vaccine industry is determined to re-write history so that consumers will never again be able to advocate for a licensed vaccine to be made less harmful.

NVIC has updated the Diseases and Vaccine webpages for Pertussis on to share with your friends and family.

2018 Annual Report on U.S. State Vaccine Legislation: Breakdown, Trends and Predictions

A follow-up and update of last year’s NVIC Vaccine Legislative Action Report 2015-2017, this year the NVIC Advocacy Team analyzes and explains in detail what types of vaccine-related bills were passed or defeated in state legislatures in 2018. Reporting that vaccine exemptions remained stable with no losses in 2018, NVIC breaks down which states passed bills adding new vaccine mandates, enrolled more citizens in electronic vaccine tracking registries, allowed pharmacists to give children vaccines, and approved vaccine promotion programs in daycares, schools and residential care facilities. Find out if your state legislators were among those who introduced 47 bills that NVIC supported or 78 bills that NVIC opposed this year, and what could happen if the vaccine industry targets your state in 2019 for legislation that removes or restricts vaccine exemptions.

protect freedom

Drug Companies Pay FDA and NIH Pays Universities to Fast Track and Market Vaccines

Click here to view the VAW Sept. 28 featured article by The Vaccine Reaction staff.

A referenced article by The Vaccine Reaction staff explaining why, when it comes to cozy business relationships between government and industry, there is nothing like the lucrative one that Congress has encouraged federal health agencies to create with the drug and vaccine industry

NVIC has updated the Diseases and Vaccines webpage for Influenza and Human Papillomavirus (HPV) on to share with your friends and family.


This week from November 5-11, 2017 and the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) are co-sponsoring the Eighth Annual Vaccine Awareness Week (VAW), a week dedicated to raising awareness about vaccines and informed consent rights. With all the uncertainty surrounding the risks and failures of vaccines, it's critical to protect your legal right to make independent health choices and exercise voluntary informed consent to vaccination. It is urgent that everyone stand up and fight to protect flexible medical, religious and conscientious belief vaccine exemptions and expand informed consent protections in state public health and employment laws.

During this week, Dr. Joseph Mercola will double match your donations up to $100,000 to the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC), a non-profit charity advocating for vaccine safety and protection of the ethical principle of informed consent to medical risk taking, including vaccine risk taking.

NVIC's mission since 1982 has been to prevent vaccine injuries and deaths through public education and to defend your legal right to exercise informed consent to vaccination. You can also donate directly to NVIC by CLICKING HERE to help support our mission and join the vaccine freedom of choice movement today!

Vaccine Awareness Week Links & Details

Please pass this information on to your family and friends. Revisit this webpage during Vaccine Awareness Week (VAW) Nov. 5-11, 2017 for release of live links to video interviews, commentaries, articles and a special NVIC legislative action report that will be provided on the following days in the schedule below.


Video Interview with Dr. Joe Mercola and Barbara Loe Fisher about what is at stake in America's Vaccine Culture War.

Article and video no longer available. 

In a wide-ranging 40 minute video interview, Dr. Joe Mercola and NVIC co-founder and president Barbara Loe Fisher talk about stepped-up attacks by the Pharma-Medical Trade-Public Health lobby on the medical, religious and conscientious belief vaccine exemptions in U.S. vaccine laws. Giving their perspective from years of experience as a holistic health physician pioneer and a longtime consumer advocate championing informed consent rights, they frame the controversy about vaccine safety and freedom of choice in a broader way and explain why it is so important to understand what is at stake in America's Vaccine Culture War. 

Video Commentary "From Nuremberg to California: Why Informed Consent Matters in the 21st Century" by Barbara Loe Fisher

In this illustrated video and referenced written commentary, NVIC co-founder and president Barbara Loe Fisher defends autonomy and calls for rejection of utilitarianism as the foundation of public health law and the adoption of a more compassionate ethic by physicians. An insightful analysis of the history of philosophy that has impacted cultural values, beliefs and vaccine laws in the U.S., this powerful defense of freedom of thought, speech, conscience, and religious belief is an valuable education tool for vaccine choice advocates.

press release

During Vaccine Awareness Week, National Vaccine Information Center Reports No Loss of Vaccine Exemptions in US Since 2015

Click here to view the VAW Nov. 8 Press Release

BusinessWire - During the Eighth Annual Vaccine Awareness Week co-sponsored by the non-profit National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) and Dr. Joseph Mercola, today NVIC is releasing a 2015-2017 Vaccine Legislative Action Report detailing the successful grassroots advocacy effort in the U.S. to protect medical, religious and conscientious belief exemptions in state vaccine laws. Through the online NVIC Advocacy Portal, NVIC closely monitored legislation in all 50 states and analyzed and issued positions on 454 vaccine-related bills introduced in state legislatures between 2015 and 2017.

No state has eliminated vaccine exemptions since 2015, when California repealed the personal belief exemption and Vermont took away the philosophical exemption for children to attend school. Commenting on the fact that state legislatures are rejecting the erosion of informed consent protections in vaccine laws, NVIC Director of Advocacy Dawn Richardson said, “What happened in California in 2015 woke parents up and we heard from families who said, ‘this is not happening to my child, not in my state,’ and they fought back. The attack on vaccine exemptions has escalated the public conversation about vaccine laws to a level we have never seen before.” Read the rest of NVIC's press release here.

NVIC's New 2015-2017 Vaccine Legislative Action Report and Video Interview

A new eye-opening NVIC Vaccine Legislative Action Report 2015-2017 by the NVIC Advocacy Team analyzes in detail what happened in state legislatures between 2015 and 2017 after a measles outbreak at Disneyland in 2015 led to a frenzied attack on vaccine exemptions in the U.S. by medical trade and special interest groups associated with pharmaceutical companies and federal health agencies. Celebrate how the line was held in most states on vaccine exemptions. Learn about what happened in California, Vermont and your state.

Watch a video interview with NVIC Advocacy Director Dawn Richardson and Barbara Loe Fisher discussing the grassroots fight to save vaccine freedom of choice and offering tips on how in 2018 you can help educate your legislators in your state and defend medical and personal belief vaccine exemptions for yourself and your children using the online NVIC Advocacy Portal.

protect freedom

Influenza Vaccine Update 2017-2018 Flu Season

A referenced article by Dr. Mercola that reviews flu shot risks, the historic failure of influenza vaccines to prevent type A and B influenza, and the types of vaccines being promoted for widespread use in the U.S. this year. This article is no longer available.

Free Viewing of "The Greater Good" Documentary

Beginning on Saturday, Nov. 11 through Nov. 17, is offering a free online viewing of “The Greater Good”, an award winning documentary highlighting the lives of three families affected by vaccine injuries and deaths and featuring interviews with doctors presenting views on both sides of the contentious debate about vaccine risks and whether people, especially parents of minor children, should have the right to decline government recommended vaccines. This iconic 2011 film was the first to examine the major scientific, legal and ethical issues about vaccine policy and law and put into context the grassroots vaccine safety and informed consent movement launched in the U.S. in 1982 by parents of vaccine injured children.


The National Vaccine Information Center and Dr. Joseph Mercola, founder of the health website, are co-sponsoring the seventh annual Vaccine Awareness Week this year. Articles, interviews and videos will be published in the newsletter and on NVIC's website about vaccination and the need to protect voluntary vaccine decision-making in America.

NVIC is 100% Funded by Donations. Please Donate Today.

NVIC is a non-profit charity that has worked since 1982 to prevent vaccine injuries and deaths through public education and secure informed consent protections in vaccine policies and laws. Your tax-deductible donations to NVIC support our public education and advocacy programs to protect your legal right to make informed, voluntary vaccination decisions for yourself and your children. Whether you contribute $5 or $50, every donation helps.

Make a Donation

Vaccine Awareness Week Links & Details

Please pass this information on to your family and friends and revisit this webpage to access new information scheduled for this year's Vaccine Awareness Week. Live links for each article and/or event will be provided on this webpage as indicated in the schedule below. 

VIDEO INTERVIEW: Freedom of Thought and Religious Beliefs Are Under Attack

Published Nov. 13, 2016 - article and video no longer available.

On Nov. 13, 2016, Dr. Joseph Mercola and Barbara Loe Fisher talk about measles outbreaks, vaccine reaction reporting, CDC’s plan to quarantine travelers, how to defend vaccine exemptions in state vaccine laws and more.

PRESS RELEASE: NVIC Launches Video Vaccine Reaction Reporting and Renews Call For Product Liability for Vaccine Manufacturers

Published Nov. 14, 2016

National Vaccine Information Center calls for end to vaccine injury lawsuit shield for vaccine manufacturers and doctors giving vaccines and expands the International Memorial for Vaccine Victims to include video vaccine reaction reporting, a new feature called Protect Life: Witness a Vaccine Reaction on here to read the complete statement.

Forced Vaccination: The Tragic Legacy of Jacobson v. Massachusetts

Published Nov. 15, 2016

Read or watch this referenced commentary by Barbara Loe Fisher on how a 1905 US Supreme Court decision endorsed forced vaccination in the U.S., was used to justify forced sterilization laws in many states, and today still haunts U.S. vaccine laws forcing you and your children to get vaccinated. Click here to read more and/or view the video.

broken trust

End Pharma Liability Shield Endangering Public Health and Human Rights

Published Nov. 17, 2016

On the 30th Anniversary of the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act, this referenced commentary by Barbara Loe Fisher reviews how the 1986 tort reform law expanded the lucrative public private business partnership between the US government and Big Pharma with the help of the U.S. Supreme Court and the medical trade industry. Access a special legislative analysis on protecting vaccine exemptions and download Spanish translations of NVIC’s most popular vaccine information brochures. Click here to read the full article.

protect freedom

Protect Life: Witness a Vaccine Reaction

Live Link Available Now!

During Vaccine Awareness Week (Nov. 13-20, 2016), NVIC is launching Protect Life: Witness a Vaccine Reaction on by adding a video vaccine reaction reporting feature to the online International Memorial for Vaccine Victims. Share your story and contribute to greater public awareness of the life changing health consequence of serious vaccine reactions. Click here to learn more.

Greater Good Documentary

Vaccines: Are They Still Contributing to the Greater Good?

On Saturday, Nov. 19, is offering a free online viewing of the award winning documentary “The Greater Good”, which highlights the lives of three families affected by vaccine injuries and death. The film features interviews with doctors strongly promoting mandatory vaccination policies, as well as doctors and consumer advocates supporting more vaccine safety research and the legal right to exercise informed consent to vaccination.


The National Vaccine Information Center and Dr. Joseph Mercola, founder of the health website, are co-sponsoring the sixth annual Vaccine Awareness Week this year. Articles, interviews and videos will be published in the newsletter and on NVIC's website about vaccination and the need to protect voluntary vaccine decision-making in America.

Vaccine Awareness Week Links & Details

Please pass this information on to your family and friends and revisit this webpage to access new information scheduled for this year's Vaccine Awareness Week. Live links for each article and/or event will be provided on this webpage as indicated in the schedule below. 

The Window of Opportunity to Protect Vaccine Freedom is Closing

Published Sunday, Nov. 8 - no longer available.

Read an article by Dr. Joseph Mercola, founder of, and listen to his interview with NVIC co-founder and president Barbara Loe Fisher. They talk about which states eliminated the legal right to take personal belief vaccine exemptions in 2015; how the FDA has lowered vaccine licensing standards and given the green light to drug companies to fast track genetically engineered vaccines to market; the ineffectiveness of the flu shot; and what you can do to proctect vaccine exeptions in 2016.


Vaccine Injury Compensation: Government's Broken Social Contract with Parents

Published Tuesday, Nov. 10

An important referenced commentary by NVIC’s Barbara Loe Fisher about how the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act is a failed experiment in tort reform. Learn more about what the government officials have done to destroy the 1986 law and why it is time to repeal it and hold vaccine manufacturers and negligent doctors fully accountable for vaccine injuries and deaths in civil court. Click here to read more and/or view the video.

National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) Calls for Repeal of 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act During Vaccine Awareness Week

Published on Nov. 10

“The 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act is a failed experiment in tort reform and should be repealed so vaccine manufacturers are held fully accountable in a civil court of law for product safety,” said NVIC co-founder and president Barbara Loe Fisher. Click here to read the complete statement.

NVIC Facebook Event: Making Informed Vaccine Decisions

Join Barbara Loe Fisher and NVIC staff at 9 p.m. ET on Thursday evening, Nov. 12, to learn more about  vaccine topics and how you can educate yourself, your family and friends about making and protecting vaccine choices in America. This Facebook Event will feature several short videos, including an important message from Dr. Joseph Mercola, and useful facts about NVIC’s websites, programs and services.

NVIC staff members will introduce themselves and talk about what they do, from counseling parents of vaccine injured children to being managing editor of NVIC’s new online journal, The Vaccine Reaction. We hope you'll join us to offer comments and questions and invite your friends and family to do the same during this fact-packed Facebook Event!

The Greater Good Documentary

Vaccines: Are They Still Contributing to the Greater Good?

Online viewing available Nov. 14 - 20, 2015

During Vaccine Awareness Week from Nov. 14 until Nov. 20, is offering a free online viewing of the award winning 2011 documentary “The Greater Good”, which highlights the lives of three families affected by vaccine injuries and deaths. The film features interviews with doctors strongly promoting mandatory vaccination policies, as well as doctors and consumer advocates supporting more vaccine safety research and the legal right to exercise informed consent to vaccination.

The National Vaccine Information Center and Dr. Joseph Mercola, founder of the health website, are co-sponsoring the fifth annual Vaccine Awareness Week Nov. 8 – 15, 2014 and will be releasing information about known and unknown risks of vaccines and the need to protect voluntary vaccine decision-making in America in articles, special reports, video interviews and commentaries and films.  

Vaccine Awareness Week Links & Details
Available on Nov. 8

Film producer Jeff Hays highlights Big Pharma and Big Agriculture cover-ups and profit-making in the drug, vaccine, and GMO food industries, which have joined forces and impacted our ability to make informed, voluntary health choices. According to Hays: 

“From opiates, to statins, to a blizzard of psychotropic medications that do far more harm than good, the film covers how our entire health care system, from education to practice has been Bought... three story lines converge on Wall Street, in a tale of corruption, greed and shocking lack of conscience.”

Available on Nov. 9

Today, the most common argument used to justify “no exceptions” mandatory vaccination laws is that unvaccinated people pose a serious health threat to others who “cannot be vaccinated,” such as the immunocompromised. Some parents of unvaccinated children are asking the opposite question: Could my unvaccinated or immune compromised child get sick from coming in contact with a recently vaccinated person? The short answer is: Yes. 

NVIC’s special report “The Emerging Risks of Live Virus and Virus Vectored Vaccines” authored by Barbara Loe Fisher and anchored with more than 275 references reviews the history of live virus vaccine infection, shedding and transmission and the potential risks of new virus vectored vaccines. View or download NVIC’s report here.

Available on Nov. 11

A referenced article by Dr. Mercola discusses the Ebola outbreak in Africa and cases in the U.S, as well as information on potential new treatments for Ebola. Also featured is an NVIC video commentary reviewing the timeline of the Ebola outbreak and its possible connection with the fast-tracking of experimental virus vectored Ebola vaccines for widespread use. 

Available on Nov. 13

In an illustrated presentation by NVIC’s Barbara Loe Fisher at the 2014 Health Freedom Congress in Minneapolis, she talks about why the question of whether we should have the freedom to choose how we want to maintain our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health has become one of the most important public conversations of our time. At the center of this conversation is vaccination, which includes the inalienable right to self-determination and protection of bodily integrity, which has been globally acknowledged as a human right. 

Featured on: Nov. 15, 2013

During Vaccine Awareness Week and until Nov. 21, is offering a free online viewing of the award winning 2011 documentary “The Greater Good,” which highlights the lives of three families affected by vaccine injuries and deaths. The film features interviews with doctors strongly promoting mandatory vaccination policies, as well as doctors and consumer advocates supporting more vaccine safety research and the legal right to exercise informed consent to vaccination.

During the fourth annual Vaccine Awareness Week  Nov. 10 – 16, 2013, the National Vaccine Information Center and Dr. Joseph Mercola, founder of the health website, are promoting increased public awareness about the risks of national one-size-fits-all vaccine policies and the need to protect voluntary vaccine decision-making in America.
  • View Press Release: National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) and Raise Questions About National Vaccine Policies During “Vaccine Awareness Week and comment here.
  • Nov. 12 - Vaccines & Pregnancy: An NVIC original commentary on vaccine safety research deficits relating to government recommendations to vaccinate pregnant women with influenza vaccine and Tdap during every pregnancy. This written and video commentary is anchored with nearly 100 references with hyperlinks to original sources to provide readers with accurate information about the controversial policy now being promoted by public health officials, obstetricians and pediatricians.
  • Nov. 12 - Measles Outbreaks in America: NVIC's Barbara Loe Fisher examines the impact of recent measles outbreaks and the agressive push to eradicate measles globally. This written and video commentary contains 85 references with hyperlinks to original sources to provide readers with accurate information about reported measles cases in the U.S. and the campaign to target citizens with personal belief objections to vaccination for criticism in an effort to eliminate vaccine exemptions.
  • Nov. 16 - Free Online Showing of THE GREATER GOOD: Begining Nov. 16, there will be a one-week free online showing of the ground-breaking and award-winning vaccine film, THE GREATER GOOD, on This landmark documentary that underscores the iImportance of becoming educated about both sides of the vaccine safety and informed consent debate. 
Vaccine Awareness Week Articles 
Vaccinations During Pregnancy: Is It Safe?
Featured on: Nov. 12, 2013

Pregnant women are faced with difficult decisions about keeping themselves and their babies healthy, including deciding whether or not to get vaccinations during any trimester. The new federal recommendation directing doctors to give every pregnant woman an influenza and Tdap shot during every pregnancy is examined within the context of outstanding questions about lack of adequate safety testing. Click here to read, watch and comment.

Measles Reports in America: What Does It Mean?
Featured on: Nov. 12, 2012
In September 2013, the CDC publicized 159 reported cases of measles in the U.S., even though since 1981 more than 95% of children have received multiple doses of measles containing MMR vaccine. Public health officials put the blame for measles “outbreaks” in the U.S. in 2013 on 92 unvaccinated Americans with religious and personal belief objections to vaccination. Will an aggressive push to eradicate measles from the planet by 2015 include expanded militarization of the public health infrastructure and violation of civil and human rights? Click here to read, watch and comment. 

Free Online Showing of THE GREATER GOOD Movie
Featured on: Nov. 16, 2013

Unlike many other documentaries about vaccination, THE GREATER GOOD movie includes advocates from both sides of the vaccine safety and choice debate to help the viewer understand why the conversation about vaccination and health has become so polarized. Real-life profiles of vaccine injured children and their families are interwoven with interviews with doctors, vaccine developers, public health officials and consumer advocates disagreeing with each other.  





National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) and are co-sponsoring the third annual Vaccine Awareness Week Sept. 30-Oct. 6, 2012. A series of articles published during the week will support increased consumer education and empowerment to protect informed, voluntary vaccine decision-making in America. Article topics include:

  • Impact of government influenza death "estimates on flu shot mandates, promotion and sales;
  • Vaccines using genetically modified organisms and the association between companies selling vaccines and GMO seeds;
  • The responsibility of doctors to inform parents about the complications of vaccines, as well as the complications of diseases;
  • Importance of becoming educated about both sides of the vaccine safety and informed consent debate highlighted in the film documentary "TheGreater Good."
Vaccine Awareness Week Articles 
Dr. Joseph Mercola Interviews Dr. Lawrence Palevsky About Vaccination and Health
Posted on: October 6, 2012

Holistic pediatrician Dr. Lawrence Palevsky talks with Dr. Joseph Mercola of, about how parent concerns about vaccine safety prompted him more than a decade ago to take a closer look at the quality and quantity of vaccine science. Read more...


Influenza Deaths: The Hype vs. The Evidence
Posted on: October 3, 2012

The CDC has been telling the public for nearly a decade that an estimated 63,000 people die from influenza in the U.S. every year. A review of Vital Statistics data shows this number is grossly iaccurate. Read more...


Are You Concerned Over Genetically Modified Vaccines?
Posted on: October 2, 2012

Genetically modified vaccines are already being produced - some are even on the recommended U.S. vaccine schedule - even though we know very little about their long-term effects. Read more...


How Vaccine Policy & Law Threatens Parental Rights In America
Posted on: September 30, 2012

Rigidly maintaining the assumption that an ever increasing number of vaccines must be mandated “for the greater good” is a dangerous assumption that fails to take into account the possibility that one-size-fits-all mass vaccination policies may be contributing to the rise in chronic disease and disability among children.  Read more...

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