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How to I find an attorney specializing in vaccine law and injury compensation?

Can NVIC help me find an attorney specializing in vaccine laws and exemptions?
Updated April 03, 2023

Attorneys Directory
There are a number of attorneys and law firms specializing in bringing vaccine injury claims before the U.S. Court of Claims under the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act's Vaccine Injury Compensation Program. However, it is difficult to find a lawyer who will assist parents in filing or defending a medical, religious or conscientious belief exemption to state vaccine laws.

The federal Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP) no longer provides a list of attorneys that handle vaccine injury claims on their website. However, the U.S. Court of Federal Claims provides an attorney list. The VICP also states that this information may be available from state and/or local bar associations.

When deciding on legal representation, consider the experience, success and whether or not the attorney is recognized by the VICP. If you are unsuccessful finding an attorney to represent you, you could also try the vaccine injury clinic at George Washington University – please note that students serve as the attorney (with supervision).

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