NVIC Vaccine News

NVIC & Mercola.com on Times Square!

By NVIC Administrator
Published March 23, 2011 in Rights & Ethics

A 15-second public service message featuring the National Vaccine Information Center is being shown on the CBS JumboTron on Times Square through April 28. Made possible by support from Mercola.com, the message is shown every hour for 18 hours a day on the 20 by 26-foot full color big screen located on 42nd St. between 7th and 8th Avenues near Broadway and the NY Port Authority and directly beneath where the crystal ball drops at midnight on Times Square every NewYear’s Eve.

The 15 second spot includes the logos of NVIC and Mercola.com and a photo of a Mom with her baby. It begins with the message Vaccines: Know the Risks and ends with the message Vaccination: Your Health. Your Family. Your Choice with the statue of liberty in the background.

Every day, more than 1.5 million people and 60,000 cars pass through Times Square, which is know as the “Gateway to New York” and “where the world meets America.”  Click Here to see the 15-second Times Square message.

In November 2011, NVIC and Mercola.com co-sponsored the first annual “Vaccine Awareness Week” to raise awareness about the need for informed, voluntary vaccine decisionmaking in America.

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21 Responses to "NVIC & Mercola.com on Times Square!"
Commenter Name
Posted: 3/24/2011 1:02:34 AM
I am so excited to see this! There are so many people who have doubts and fears about the vaccine program, but think they have no choice. There's also many who have never bothered to really think about vaccines, haven't formed an opinion either way. This is a great way to get people thinking and informed!
Commenter Name
Posted: 3/24/2011 4:17:32 AM
Problem with the ad is the the first thing people see in big letter is "Vaccination". Which implies to go get vaccinated. Just my opinion but maybe saying something like "Are vaccines safe" is more of an attention getter and will cause people to question vaccines.
Commenter Name
Posted: 3/24/2011 12:31:47 PM
The ad's not good enough. It's misleading enough to cause people to think it's promoting vaccination unless they are of the mindset to really think about the words in the message.
Commenter Name
Posted: 3/24/2011 1:19:12 PM
Yes, I agree. The add looks as though it's in support of vaccination...
Commenter Name
Posted: 3/24/2011 1:42:57 PM
Fabulous job getting this on the TS jumbotron! My pediatrician doesn't agree that vaccines should be mandatory, but we're led to believe all doctors feel the same and fear that it's now a topic we can't even discuss with our doctors. Even our physicians feel bullied by pharma. It's time to stop big business from ruining our health & freedoms in so many areas these days. Thank you NVIC for giving me a voice!
Commenter Name
Posted: 3/24/2011 1:43:35 PM
Fabulous job getting this on the TS jumbotron! My pediatrician doesn't agree that vaccines should be mandatory, but we're led to believe all doctors feel the same and fear that it's now a topic we can't even discuss with our doctors. Even our physicians feel bullied by pharma. It's time to stop big business from ruining our health & freedoms in so many areas these days. Thank you NVIC for giving me a voice!
Commenter Name
Posted: 3/24/2011 1:48:23 PM
I agree. The message being sent by that ad is totally backwards. It looks as though you are advocating FOR vaccinations. Who the hell does the PR work for these ads anyhow? I'm a nobody and I could do a better job than that any day of the week.
Commenter Name
Posted: 3/24/2011 1:48:47 PM
I was not impressed...it looks like a promotion for vaccines...not what I expected at all. I think it could have been more confrontational. Safety is the #1 concern.
Commenter Name
Posted: 3/24/2011 4:41:11 PM
I agree it looks like an ad to promote vaccination. I think it needed to be a little stronger messageabout the damages vaccines can do and that there is no legal liability on behalf of the drug comapnies making vaccines if someone is damaged by the vaccine.
Commenter Name
Posted: 3/24/2011 5:51:11 PM
I agree with D, you first see Vaccination, it seems like they are trying to reinforce vaccination, it should be something like "Vaccination should be your choice, Right?"
Commenter Name
Anna Watson
Posted: 3/24/2011 6:56:52 PM
Please follow this up with other messages... we are counting on you. Thank you from ARNICA parents - 60 UK groups committed to promoting Natural Immunity, www.arnica.org.uk
Commenter Name
Posted: 3/24/2011 8:57:27 PM
I agree with D's point. It should include something that triggers the audience to question the safety of vaccines. I am thrilled that this information is getting more attention but, would hope the clarity of the message re: vaccination safety was more obvious to the general public.
Commenter Name
Posted: 3/24/2011 8:58:39 PM
I agree with D's point. It should include something that triggers the audience to question the safety of vaccines. I am thrilled that this information is getting more attention but, would hope the clarity of the message re: vaccination safety was more obvious to the general public.
Commenter Name
Posted: 3/28/2011 3:06:23 PM
wow, thanks Dr Mercola for putting your $ where your mouth is...what a guy! Joseph Mercola for PRESIDENT 2012!!
Commenter Name
Posted: 4/11/2011 1:22:24 PM
Yeah. Just what we need: more people to refuse public health measures. Shame on you!
Commenter Name
Posted: 4/18/2011 12:13:35 PM
This is great. When does the ad start or did it already start?
Commenter Name
Paul Arthur
Posted: 4/18/2011 2:35:20 PM
Our Public Service Message has been running since Mar 22 and will end Apr 28th. Thanks for your vote of support! Your health. Your family. Your choice.
Commenter Name
Posted: 5/6/2011 7:20:20 PM
I am so grateful that you Dr.Joseph Mercola, took the time and money to inform the public of the dangers of vaccines. It sounds like you too were touch by these cruel side affects as my family was as well. So we know first hand. I have wonderful loving son's both have had some of their immunizations with very serve reactions. This was 32 yrs. ago. The one son has schizophenia, autism? who knows what? He functions the best he can with our support. That is a major strain on our family and our child, who was once so active, loving etc. he is aware of how his live is so different than his peers. It is a lonely life with much needed support financially, emotionally and physically to just showing up to be there to express love and care. He has a brother that is still living at home, that was touched as well but not as much. For the youngest one I just allowed 1/4 dose, kept making excuses why we didn't make appt. with Ped. doc. Finally took vaccine card from the school and forged signature because I was not going down the same path as my oldest child with vaccines.The next school signed a release form saying for religious reasons I was not giving vaccines. I am grateful for all your informative care and contributions to the human condition. God Bless you and your family
Commenter Name
Posted: 5/7/2011 6:33:03 AM
I think it's good...it requires thought, of course, so the message may not actually be instantly obvious, but the idea is that either way, you can go and find out from the website on the ad. I think it's better than directly stating "vaccinations are bad", because to do that then you've already lost the attention of those who still believe they're effective. I think the ambiguity is a good thing here, as the idea is to get people to go to the website and take some time to check it out - getting that initial attention is the thing! Brilliant, I'm glad this stuff is coming out...when my son was a baby and I refused all vaccines for him, there was no backup, no information, no support - I just knew in my guts that it was all wrong, and I stuck to that although it was hard sometimes, so it's really good to see this info available, we all have a right to make INFORMED CHOICES, and the more that do the better!
Commenter Name
Posted: 6/6/2011 2:30:37 AM
There seem to be a lot of comments by people who think the add appears pro-vaccine. That is missing the point. It's 15 seconds to get people to visit NVIC.org, It should not appear to have an agenda one way or the other, only link the word 'vaccine' with the word 'safety'. An ad that appeared overtly anti-vaccine would merely appear to be the narrow viewpoint of a special interest group, and switch people off. The success of this add can only be measured by the traffic it generates to NVIC.
Commenter Name
Posted: 6/9/2011 1:47:56 AM
I thank you humbly for sharing your wisdom JJWY

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