NVIC Vaccine News

Vaccine Wake Up Call for Parents: Your Children Are Being Taken

By Barbara Loe Fisher
Published September 05, 2011 in Government

Every mother has had the nightmare. We dream our child, who we love more than we thought we could love anyone, has been taken away by strangers and cannot be found. The cold fear rises up from our stomach into our throats as we search, endlessly, to find the child we would give up our own life to protect from harm.
The biological imperative for parents to protect their young is stronger than the law of any nation. It is stronger than any value or belief. It is primitive and hardwired into a mother’s DNA because it is the fierce protective instinct that enables intelligent life on earth to survive.

Historic Power Struggle: Doctors vs. Parents

The debate about vaccination in the 21st century is not just about the science and whether vaccines and vaccine policies are a safe and effective way to keep individuals and populations truly healthy.[1], [2]
It is also part of an historic power struggle between parents and doctors about whether doctors or anyone else in society should have the legal right to give children a pharmaceutical product or medical treatment that carries a risk of injury or death without the parent’s voluntary, informed consent.[3], [4], [5]

CA Bill Strips Informed Consent Rights from Parents

Today, there is a bill on the desk of California Governor Jerry Brown (Assembly Bill 499)[6] that has been quietly and quickly rammed through the state legislature by the medical-pharma lobby.[7] 
If Governor Brown signs that bill into law, then children as young as 12 years old will be vaccinated with Gardasil, hepatitis B and future vaccines for sexually transmitted diseases without the knowledge or consent of their parents.

Merck & Pharma Profit

This proposed law would cost the cash-strapped state of California multi-millions of dollars to implement. Most of that money will go to Merck and other vaccine corporations to pay for multiple doses of each vaccine that will be aggressively promoted[8], [9] to young children, who are not yet physically, mentally or emotionally mature enough to make fully informed decisions about risk-taking, including whether or not to take a medical risk.[10], [11], [12]
This proposed law gutting parental informed consent rights is great news for drug companies like Merck, which sells Gardasil to the government for $108 per dose,[13] but it is very bad news for parents.

Parents Legally Responsible for Secretly Vaccinated Children

What if a 12 year old child is biologically at high risk for having a life threatening vaccine reaction but the parent is not told the child has been vaccinated and does not watch for symptoms and the child’s reaction ends in permanent disability?[14], [15] 
Will the person, who has secretly given the vaccine to the child without the parent’s knowledge, be legally responsible for what happens if the child has a serious reaction?
Will the drug company that sold the vaccine to the state be legally responsible for the physical harm done to a secretly vaccinated child? 
No. The parent will be legally and financially responsible for caring for the child,[16] who was taken by strangers and vaccinated without the parent’s consent, and is now brain damaged for life.

No Liability for Drug Corps or Doctors

In America, there is no legal liability or responsibility for drug companies selling or doctors giving government recommended vaccines when those vaccines injure or kill children or adults.[17], [18]
How can the state of California - or any state - give anyone in society the power to secretly take a child away from a parent and subject that child to a medical risk without the parent’s consent?
There is no doctor, no government employee and no politician, who has the moral right to do that to a parent or their child.

When Parental Rights Are Lost, Children Are Exploited

This California legislation that was pushed through the state legislature by pharmaceutical and medical industry lobbyists, will strip parents of the long held legal right to make informed, voluntary decisions about pharmaceutical products and medical procedures that carry risks for their children.
That fundamental legal right is all that stands between parents and exploitation of their children by those in positions of power in society with a personal or professional vested interest in forcing every child to use pharmaceutical products that are not safe or effective for every child.

Wake Up Call for Parents In All States

This is a wake-up call for parents in all states. If politicians can vote to strip parents of their legal right to exercise informed consent to medical risks taken by their children in California, it can happen in your state, too.
If young children can be secretly vaccinated for sexually transmitted diseases without their parents consent today, it will not be long before all babies and children can be secretly vaccinated with every government recommended vaccine without their parents’ consent tomorrow.

CA Parents: Your Children Are Being Taken

Join NVIC’s vaccine choice Advocacy Portal. Stand up for your legal right to make informed, voluntary decisions about medical risk taking for your child today or you will not have that legal right tomorrow.
California parents: NVIC has issued a California Action Alert about Assembly Bill 499 at www.NVICAdvocacy.org
Let Governor Brown know how you feel about your children being taken from you.
See NVIC Action Alert for California here.


[1] National Vaccine Information Center. NVIC Statement on Adverse Effects of Vaccines: Evidence and Causality, IOM Committee to Review Adverse Effects of Vaccines. Aug. 25, 2011.
[2] Stratton K, Ford A, Rusch E, Clayton EW, editors. Adverse Effects of Vaccines: Evidence and Causality. Committee to Review Adverse Effects of Vaccines. National Academies Press: 2011.
[4] Parental Right to Refuse Medical Treatment in Mother Doe & Father Doe vs. Anthony Conyers, Jr., Commissioner of VA Dept. of Social Services and Sarah C. Snead, Director of Chesterfield Dept. of Social Services and VA Governor Mark E. Warner. Re: Liberty Interest. June 17, 2005.
[5] Kleifgen B. Informed Consent in Vaccination. Vaccine Ethics.org. July 2010.
[12] Dartmouth College. Press Release: Brain changes significantly after age 18, says Dartmouth research. Feb. 6, 2006.
[15] Attkisson S. Gardasil Researcher Speaks Out. CBS News. Aug. 29, 2009.
[16] Virginia Office of the Attorney General. Family Relationships and the Law. Accessed Sept. 1, 2011

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8 Responses to " Vaccine Wake Up Call for Parents: Your Children Are Being Taken"
Commenter Name
Posted: 9/6/2011 4:22:14 PM
This is tne contact info. I called, I hope you will too! Governor Jerry Brown 916 322-7152 (Office) 916-445-4571 (Press Office) Email - http://gov.ca.gov/m_contact.php Twitter - @JerryBrownGov Facebook - Jerry Brown http://www.facebook.com/kfiam640#!/jerrybrown?sk=wall&filter=12
Commenter Name
Paul Arthur
Posted: 9/6/2011 4:32:34 PM
JUST 5 MINUTES OF YOUR EFFORT CAN HELP 1) IMMEDIATELY FORWARD THIS ALERT to everyone you know. http://nvicadvocacy.org/members/Resources/VetoAB499.aspx 2) POST the link to this alert ON FACEBOOK, blogs, or other social media sites: http://nvicadvocacy.org/members/Resources/VetoAB499.aspx 3) CONTACT GOVERNOR JERRY BROWN AND ASK HIM TO VETO AB499. Call: (916) 445-2841 Fax: (916) 558-3160 Email Web Form: http://govnews.ca.gov/gov39mail/mail.php 4) REGISTER for the NVIC Advocacy Portal at http://NVICAdvocacy.org so you can receive updates.
Commenter Name
Mindano Iha
Posted: 9/7/2011 9:32:24 AM
The reason why this is happening: CORRUPTION.CORRUPTION.CORRUPTION.
Commenter Name
Posted: 9/13/2011 7:53:39 PM
After studying and researching in the field of genetics, immunity, disease, and treatment thereof, for over thirty years, the basic issue regarding vaccination is one of ineffectiveness - vaccines do not achieve their intended purpose - protecting or improving immune system function. The thought that paying-it-forward can somehow apply to immunity and that it could be possible to prepare ahead of time for an infectious assault or attack. Not a bad thought. How is that target approached with vaccines? First mistake is to equate antibody production with immune response. This is not the case. Antibodies do not function in a manner to protect the body - antibodies are like body bags that tag the fallen and haul them off the battlefield. Meanwhile, all the immunity is helf in the power of the immune cells - the macrophages, the dendritic cells, the leukocytes, the lymphocytes both Beta and T - the whole battle is conducted by cells - not by antibodies. This is the grounds by which we could move to remove the error of vaccination based immunity. When seen in light of the damage done by all the contaminants and adjuvants and preservatives, in the vaccines, there appears to be no reason what so ever to violate and rape the blood with one. Just say NO! It is your body. No law is possible to take your sovereignty away - it must be surrendered.
Commenter Name
gracie devan
Posted: 9/16/2011 2:50:03 PM
Why the shock and outrage? The american people have allowed and supported government entities to market "services" to our minor women for decades in the form of elective abortions. Parents don't have the right to know about that. Why should they know about a mere shot? The shot can kill or mame you say? So can abortions. What's the differednce? "How can anyone in any society give anyone the right to secretly take a child away from a parent and subject that child to a medical risk without the parents consent?" Indeed, it is inconceivable, immoral, totally mercinary and done every day in your local planned parenthood office aided by your school nurse, paid for with your tax dollars, protected by politcal correctness and already very much a part of our society. Goose and gander sauce come to mind. I am all for stopping the government encroachment on parental rights, so amen to this article....and by the way, guardasil's efficacy rates are different for various age groups. The teens are not in the over forty risk group. Great information must read, the vaccine safety manual. Heard one of the doctors who worked on the vaccine's development speak several years ago. If I remember correctly, the cancer incidence without the shot is 3/1000;000. With the shot, 3.4/ 1000,000. Want icing on that cupcake? The "placecbo" used....1/3 got a hepatitis a shot, the rest got the shot (preservatives and all) minus the hpv virus. Have read that using active placebos is an industry wide practise.
Commenter Name
corinna carlson
Posted: 9/19/2011 7:22:35 PM
my daughter was literally taken away from me. my boyfriend and i are being accused of abuse and neglect. this is completely false. my daughter was never abused and was given everything. she is in the state's custody and they want to vaccinate her reguardless of what we say. all because one doctor says that she needs vaccines. she was nearly killed by the Hepatitus B and DTaP vaccine and to give her any vaccine will kill her. there are ways around this, but what if we are unable to achieve this in time? "oh, sorry, your daughter is dead, have a nice life!" and diagnose it as SIDS?!!! eventhough she is not in my custody i should be able to have the right to make these decitions for my daughter. because, she is still my daughter no matter who has custody of her and no one has been charged with anything, i should still have the right to choose, just like any other mother.
Commenter Name
Posted: 10/12/2011 8:27:49 AM
Articles like this really grease the shafts of knowledge.
Commenter Name
Posted: 2/19/2012 8:04:36 PM
If God can create the body He can heal the body

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