NVIC Vaccine News

Be in Atlanta October 24th at Noon To Stand Up at the Truth, Transparency & Freedom Rally

By Barbara Loe Fisher
Published September 20, 2015 in Government

Event Information

Truth, Transparency & Freedom Rally
Saturday, Oct. 24, 2015 * Grant Park
840 Cherokee Ave. SE; Atlanta, GA
New Time - 12:00 – 4:00 PM
Send 2015 Atlanta Rally eCard to a Friend!
Download Flyer for the Rally


1986 march in Atlanta (CDC)
In the spring of 1986, NVIC co-founder Kathi Williams and I gathered with a small group of parents in Atlanta, Georgia to hold the first public demonstration demanding that the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) be truthful with the American public about vaccine injuries and deaths. We held up signs with photos of children who had died or been brain injured by toxic whole cell DPT vaccine to witness and honor them, the children who had no voice and had no choice.

Pharma-Led Forced Vaccination Lobby Attacks Human & Civil Rights

Almost 30 years later, on Saturday, October 24, 2015 from 12 - 4:00 p.m. (please note updated time), Kathi and I will again gather with parents in Atlanta, this time for the Truth, Transparency & Freedom Rally in Grant Park. The rally is being organized and sponsored by the parent-led Vaccine Injury Awareness League (VIAL), a small California non-profit founded this year after the Pharma-led forced vaccination lobby descended upon that state’s legislature and attacked the human right to informed consent to medical risk taking so they could eliminate the personal belief vaccine exemption and the civil right to a school education.

NVIC Stands in Solidarity with Parents 

Dave McCutcheon and parents marching in Atlanta 1986
The National Vaccine Information Center stands in solidarity with parents who are gathering in Atlanta and witnessing about what happened to their once healthy children, and are again calling on the CDC to tell the public the truth about vaccine injuries and deaths. 

We stand with in solidarity with all who want to protect the right to know and the freedom to choose how to stay healthy in America.

We stand in solidarity with all who reject the politics of demonization, discrimination and segregation that pit parent against parent, citizen against citizen, and violate basic human and civil rights.

We will not allow another generation of children to lose their health because government continues to protect the liability free vaccine industry and covers up vaccine risks and failures, while our children are crippled in the chronic disease and disability epidemic sweeping through America’s schools.

YES to Democracy, NO to Corporatocracy

Many people coming to the rally in Atlanta are united in defending freedom of speech and conscience. They believe it is time to speak out about the business partnership between industry and government that is turning our democracy into a corporatocracy and threatening the health of our nation.

Defend Inalienable Natural Rights and Health Liberty!

On Saturday, October 24, be in Atlanta and defend the inalienable natural rights embodied in the U.S. Constitution, which unite all of us regardless of where we live, the color of our skin, the faith that sustains us or the philosophies that define us. Bring your friends, your spirit, your love and your commitment and stand in solidarity with others who are there for the same reason.

Go to CDCtruth.org to learn more.

It’s your health. Your family. Your choice.

Download poster about rally here.

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7 Responses to "Be in Atlanta October 24th at Noon To Stand Up at the Truth, Transparency & Freedom Rally"
Commenter Name
Gary Ogden
Posted: 9/22/2015 10:53:21 AM
Thanks, Barbara. I'm already booked. Wild horses couldn't keep me away. We're going to rock that town with righteousness. I was so proud of you for your excellent testimony against SB 277.
Commenter Name
Peter Carr
Posted: 9/23/2015 12:20:32 AM
BL: I'd like to have this information to put on my web site. Could you send it to me? We would like to attend the rally in Atlanta, as well. Editor's Note: Hi Peter! Thanks for spreading the word. The poster is downloadable - so you can post it on your website. You may also post a link to our commentary on your website with your encouragement to your followers to attend. Hope to see you in Atlanta!
Commenter Name
Roberta Bolduc
Posted: 9/25/2015 11:03:50 AM
Hello, there. I am the publisher of Upstate Natural Awakenings magazine in Greenville, SC. I would like to encourage everyone to attend our upcoming screening of "Trace Amounts", a documentary questioning the increase in vaccine doses and amounts with the exploding rate of autism spectrum disorders. The film will be shown at Camelot Cinemas, 48 E. Antrim Dr., Greenville at 7pm on Oct. 27. Dr. William Weirs of the Center for Occupational and Environmental Medicine will be conducting a Q&A immediately following the film. Dr. John Palmer, a mercury free dentist in the Upstate will also be on hand to answer questions. Please reserve your tickets today at http://gathr.us/screening/12771.
Commenter Name
Maurine Meleck
Posted: 9/28/2015 9:47:09 PM
can we get some info on hotels for Sat. nite that are nearby. thanks
Commenter Name
Dave Weiner
Posted: 10/2/2015 9:24:19 AM
YES to Inalienable Natural Rights and Health Liberty YES to Freedom of Speech and Conscience NO to Democracy and the voting away of our rights.
Commenter Name
Posted: 10/8/2015 11:48:37 AM
Can anyone tell me why the BLM movement will apart of this rally? I thought it was strictly about vaccine safety and awareness. Why are these other organizations going to also be apart of the rally?
Commenter Name
Posted: 10/24/2015 10:43:16 AM
I am a single parent and have been since my son was born. I have never been able to travel with him any great distance ,do to all my sons special needs and also do to lack of funds we don't have the ability to leave our house very often other than necessity as well as we have been going behind now for quite some time financially. I WOULD LOVE TO BE THERE WITH ALL OF YOU! Please represent the ones that can't go do to their vaccine injuries being too severe to allow them the ability to have their voices heard. We are so proud of you all and you are really giving everyones future children a chance at avoiding my sons tragic experience. My son is 8 years old and I will be lucky if he ever reaches the skill level he was at a year old. He is severely autistic, has seizures major food allergies no communication not even pointing or waving or any form of reference. He has super human strength, high tolerance to pain and no concept of danger. He self injures and is getting bigger, stronger, and faster than me on foot. He throws and breaks everything intentionally thinking it is funny as he has no appropriate play skills due to his lack of understanding. He will walk into a body of water right over his head and breath not understanding and not learning from the experience. He will walk off a ledge or steep hill. NO concept of danger. I love my only child more than anyone but I will be lucky if I ever hear it back, let alone rid myself of my constant nightmares of what will happen to him when I am gone. I am an only child, my son is an only child and his fathers family has nothing to do with him. When I die or become too old, my son will be completely alone with no one to even check on him, this truly breaks my heart and I cant help but worry about this considering it is our unavoidable truth. Thank you to everyone brave enough and able enough to fight this genocidal mandate for us all. YOU ARE THE LEADERS WE NEED IN A WORLD SO CORRUPT WE PLEAD! STOP THE MANDATE!

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