NVIC Vaccine News

NVIC Enters its Fifth Decade Defending Autonomy and Protection of Bodily Integrity

By Barbara Loe Fisher
Published April 19, 2023 in Rights & Ethics

On Apr.19, 1982, the television documentary DPT: Vaccine Roulette was first broadcast out of Washington, DC, warning parents for the first time that the DPT shot containing whole cell pertussis vaccine given five times to all children was brain damaging and killing an unknown number of them. By Apr. 28, a handful of parents of DPT vaccine injured children in the DC area banded together and held a meeting on Capitol Hill to establish the charitable organization known today as the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC). 

By 1985, the seminal book DPT: A Shot in the Dark critiquing the mandatory vaccination system was published by Harcourt Brace Jovanovich. In 1986, the first public protest against an unsafe vaccine was held at the Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta and Congress passed the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act, which was historic acknowledgment that vaccines can cause injury and death. 

The modern vaccine safety and informed consent movement opposing mandatory vaccination laws launched by parents of DPT vaccine injured children in 1982 has changed the course of medical history.  As we enter our fifth decade, we are committed now – more than ever – to continuing our mission to prevent vaccine injuries and deaths through public education and secure the legal right to make voluntary vaccination decisions without being sanctioned by anyone. 

When it comes to defending the human right to autonomy and protection of bodily integrity, there can be no compromise.


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5 Responses to "NVIC Enters its Fifth Decade Defending Autonomy and Protection of Bodily Integrity"
Commenter Name
Posted: 4/19/2023 10:19:44 AM
Thank you BLF and NVIC for your hard work and dedication to informed consent and medical autonomy for 50 years!! God bless you!!!
Commenter Name
Posted: 4/19/2023 11:43:02 AM
THANK YOU is not adequate. I became aware of this issue as a Legislative Assistant in the 80's, and am so grateful for the awareness and dedication of you and parents lobbying to educate and enlighten U.S. to the dangers and concerns in vaccines. I married in the 90s, had a large family and was able to make much better decisions for my own family as a result of your work and dedication. May the LORD continue to bless, protect and encourage you in this incredibly critical field of public policy concern. How could we know just how MUCH it would strike at the heart of insidious powers that be, save for historic foreshadowing such as Nuremburg? Hold fast, and may He continue to strengthen and direct your steps.
Commenter Name
Posted: 4/19/2023 6:37:24 PM
Thank you for encouraging vaccine awareness!
Commenter Name
Catriona St. George
Posted: 4/23/2023 5:20:02 PM
Barbara and team, I had no idea how many years you have been working to shine the light on vaccines - to give us parents the rest of the information we need to make informed decisions. I am so grateful for your hard work and endurance. Information from NVIC and ethical doctors and scientists been a protection for my familiy during the pandemic. Can't thank you enough.
Commenter Name
Judith Pecho
Posted: 4/28/2023 3:11:06 PM
I have long been concerned about vaccines when living in WA state and learned the autism was very high there in a military area where vaccines were required. I abhorred the thought of forced vaccinations, and as a health professional, a registered nurse, would not participate in the injection of anything that was questioned by the receipient or their guardian. It is incomprehensible to me that any health care professional would do so. It my belief that it is a crime, and that anyone who complied to hold a job is still responsible for the damage that it causes. Please health professionals remember why you went into your health provider role, and never do anything to another that you cannot be held responsible for. It is one of the most aggregiuos acts I can imagine. To guise yourself in a caring role and be reckless to any degree with the life of another. You cannot hold your head high if you violate your oath, remeber that.

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