NVIC Vaccine News

PayPal Stops Processing NVIC Donations

By NVIC Staff
Published December 24, 2021 in Rights & Ethics

PayPal Stops Processing NVIC Donations

Story Summary

    • During NVIC's end of year annual donation drive, PayPal refuses to process supporter donations;
    • PayPal's actions essentially dictates which organizations people may support;
    • New secure donation platform quickly identified by NVIC for its supporters.

Big Tech & the Forced Vaccination Lobby Won’t Stop NVIC!

On December 21st past the close of business hours, NVIC was notified that PayPal would no longer process donations made by our supporters effective immediately. In essence, PayPal wants to control your choices and tell you which non-profit charities you may and may not support. Pay Pal’s sudden and unexplained action against our donors comes in the middle of our annual end-of-year fund raising campaign.

This latest assault on NVIC has brought to close a year when NVIC was eliminated from the four biggest social media platforms – Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and You Tube. The assault on our small charity began right after we held the successful October 2020 online Fifth International Public Conference on Vaccination: Protecting Health & Autonomy in the 21st Century and were immediately attacked by a political operative in the UK and by mainstream media outlets acting as advertising firms for Big Pharma and the forced vaccination lobby. 

NVIC's New Secure Donation Platform for New and Recurring Donors 

PayPal Logo

Just as we pivoted in early 2021 to establish our presence on new social media platforms, NVIC has quickly established a secure alternative to PayPal for processing your credit card donations. Click the button below and your 2021 tax-deductible donations can still be made before the year ends.

NVIC Will Continue Our Mission

NVIC is being heavily censored because we have spoken the truth about vaccination, health and autonomy for 40 years. While big tech and the forced vaccination lobby put out a steady supply of authoritarian propaganda promoting fear and hatred of those who engage in rational thinking, NVIC will continue to defend the legal right to make voluntary choices about vaccination without being punished for the choice made as we move forward with our mission to prevent vaccine injuries and deaths through public education and defend the informed consent ethic. 

2021 Highlights Accomplished Through Donor Support of NVIC

Below are some highlights from the past year that your donations to NVIC made possible: 

  • NVIC’s counselors responded to over 10,000 public inquiries, including reports of vaccine reactions, and provided information resources to assist them;
  • Researched and published video commentaries, new analyses, special articles and other referenced information on SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19 vaccines containing over 1,000 citations;
  • Monitored and reported on the activities of more than 20 federal vaccine advisory committee meetings that issue and shape vaccine policies and laws;
  • Provided updated school vaccine requirements and exemption information on NVIC.org, as well as published over 200 articles on our three websites about vaccine science, policy, law and ethics
  • Published information on the distribution of COVID-19 vaccines under Emergency Use Authorization and civil rights protections against employer mandates;
  • Secured a 50 percent increase in readers of The Vaccine Reaction, NVIC’s weekly journal newspaper that is dedicated to promoting “an enlightened conversation about vaccination, health and autonomy.”
  • Monitored, analyzed and issued talking points and positions on a record-breaking 408 vaccine related bills, 278 of which NVIC supported;

Many more Americans now realize that our liberty is in danger if we cannot freely choose how we want to stay healthy without losing the right to hold a job, be educated, receive health care, go to a restaurant or otherwise function in society. Now more than ever, it is time to have a conversation with your friends, community leaders, and your elected representatives about the importance of defending freedom of thought, speech and conscience.

Thank you for your loyal support of NVIC’s mission. May your New Year be filled with peace and joy and may 2022 be a celebration of freedom for all.


Barbara Loe Fisher,
Co-Founder & President

Kathi Williams,
Co-founder & Vice President

Theresa Wrangham,
Executive Director

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3 Responses to "PayPal Stops Processing NVIC Donations"
Commenter Name
Posted: 1/6/2022 7:01:20 PM
Well, one more company to delete my accounts with...071736
Commenter Name
Malcolm Chellquist
Posted: 1/18/2022 2:26:34 PM
I tried to cancel my PayPal account online and got a follow-up email saying it could not be done for "technical" reasons, and I had to call them. I did so, and they now claim that there is no restriction to donated for NVIC or ICAN, etc. So they either have reversed their opinion, or are giving false information to retain customers. Editors Note: It is semantics Malcolm. They removed our account from Network For Good (NFG)the charity that processed CC donations to us and it has not been reinstated. They have forbidden them from accepting donations for our charity. Thanks for your supoprt. Our new site is working but design is still in progress at https://give.cornerstone.cc/nvic
Commenter Name
John LaRandeau
Posted: 1/18/2022 3:32:42 PM
Dan Bongino has just announced today a new payment platform at https://www.paralleleconomy.com/ check into it.

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