NVIC Vaccine News

ANOTHER Epic Fail for Influenza Vaccine

By Barbara Loe Fisher
Published January 07, 2015 in Government

by Barbara Loe Fisher
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Here we are in the winter of 2015 and U.S. public health officials admit that the historically ineffective influenza vaccine is once again an epic fail.1 2
Flu Vaccine Effectiveness Measured from 0 to 62 Percent
little girls with coughIn the past three flu seasons, the CDC has claimed the flu vaccine’s overall effectiveness clocked in at between 47 and 62 percent3 while some experts have measured it at 0 to 7 percent.4 Other studies suggest that when children get a flu shot every year it can interfere with healthy immune responses and make them more likely to get influenza in certain flu seasons.5 6 Independent medical literature reviews document that flu shots don’t really prevent influenza or complications of influenza7 8 or influenza-like-illness (ILI) associated with other types of viruses that cause about 80% of all respiratory or gastrointestinal infections during any given flu season.9 10 11 12
A car in which seatbelts and brakes only worked at best half the time is not a car Americans would choose to buy or drive. Car manufacturers profiting from selling that kind of defective product would be sued in civil court and rightly so.
Americans Forced to Get Flu Shots or Suffer Sanctions
Woman afraid of vaccineYet, U.S. public health officials are making flu vaccine policy that gets turned into law.13 14 They are forcing Americans to buy and use a pharmaceutical product that fails to work as advertised time and again and can brain injure people, too.15 16 17 But we can’t sue drug companies for vaccine failures, brain injuries and deaths in civil court.18 Many of us are being fired from our jobs or denied an education, childcare and medical care if we refuse to salute smartly and get a flu shot every year or give it to our children.19 20 21 22
Dominant Influenza A Strain NOT In Current Flu Shot
Every spring, federal health officials select two influenza A virus strains (usually H1N1 and H3N2 subtypes)23 and one or two influenza B virus strains24 to include in flu vaccines released in the fall.  This past December, CDC officials held a press conference and informed Americans that they were unaware last spring that one of the influenza A strains selected for the 2014/2015 flu vaccine – the H3N2 subtype – was starting to “drift.” It turns out that the genetically mutated subtype is the dominant influenza A strain causing sickness this year but it is not in the flu vaccine.25 26 27 28
Some Experts Warn Flu Shot Does NOT Make Symptoms Less Severe
Bottom line: If you or your child got a flu shot this year, it does not protect you from the most common influenza A subtype making people sick. And now, some influenza experts are warning that flu shots do not make symptoms less severe if the vaccine fails to prevent influenza infection.29
2003/2004 Flu Shot Failure: Same Story
Is this the first time that federal health officials have been aware that the influenza A H3N2 subtype constantly mutates and is often the dominant strain of flu that circulates in the U.S.? No, it’s not.
Woman with fluLet’s go back and take a look at the 2003/2004 flu season’s epic influenza vaccine fail. In the spring of 2003, federal health officials did know ahead of time that the influenza A Panama strain they chose for the seasonal flu vaccine was not a match for the emerging mutated H3N2 Fujian strain making people very sick. Influenza experts told the FDA vaccine advisory committee (VRBPAC) that two genetic mutations in the H3N2 strain would likely cause the flu shot to fail if it was not included in the vaccine.[30]
As the consumer voting member at that March 2003 FDA committee meeting, I abstained from the influenza vaccine strain selection vote because the influenza A strain being recommended was not a match for the emerging mutated H3N2 strain and said I thought the public should be told.  31 So what was the government’s rationale for allowing drug companies to produce a flu vaccine they knew was likely a non-starter from the very beginning?
Well, the vaccine manufacturers said they couldn’t include the mutated H3N2 subtype in the vaccine because they would miss the fall 2003 delivery and marketing deadline! In other words, it was all about protecting a multi-billion dollar flu vaccine market and not about truth in advertising.
Flu vaccine effectiveness for the 2003/2004 season was described by health officials as 3% to 14%, which does qualify as an epic fail.32
2012/2013 Flu Shot Failure: Vaccine Manufacturing Problem
Now let’s look at the 2012/2013 flu season, when flu vaccine effectiveness was 50% and only 41% in preventing the H3N2 subtype that caused most of the disease that season. A little digging into the medical literature reveals that the H3N2 subtype problem was not due to a natural antigenic drift like CDC officials are claiming it is this season. No, flu vaccine failure two years ago was about mutations in the egg adapted H3N2 vaccine strain used by drug companies to produce the vaccine. 33
In other words, it was a vaccine manufacturing problem. Drug companies introduced H3N2 mutations through the vaccine manufacturing process, creating a mismatch between the circulating H3N2 strain and the vaccine strain.
Congress Funds Aggressive Influenza Vaccine Push on Americans
Virus PhotoHow honest is the CDC being with legislators voting to give federal health agencies and drug companies billions of dollars to produce influenza vaccines34 35 36 37 38 39 that are being aggressively pushed on all Americans, including infants, children, pregnant women and health care workers40 41 42 43 using a pathetically poor evidence base?44 45 46
Influenza Viruses Always Mutating, Vaccine Strain Virus Shedding
Influenza viruses that infect humans and animals are always mutating and evolving, recombining with each other and creating new influenza strains being shed and transmitted in body fluids and waste products of animals and humans.47 48 49 50 51 Vaccine strain influenza viruses can recombine with other viruses as well,52 particularly those shed and transmitted by children and adults given live influenza virus vaccines53 54 55 56 and by experimental live virus vectored vaccines being created in labs, with unknown effects on humans, animals and the environment.57 58 59 60
GMO Flu Vaccines, Risky Adjuvants: Follow the Money
And yet, billions of dollars are being spent by government and industry to build more flu vaccine plants to create genetically engineered flu vaccines that contain insect and animal DNA, foreign proteins61 62 63 64  65 and novel adjuvants designed to hyper-stimulate human immune responses.66 67 68 69 70 In an irrational crusade to outsmart influenza viruses, vaccine risks are increasing71  while vaccine failures continue to haunt the entire money-driven enterprise. 72 73 74
Repeal Flu Shot Mandates, Hold Companies Accountable
After decades of government propaganda trumpeting the benefits and minimizing the risks of annual flu shots, one-size-fits-all, cradle to the grave influenza vaccine recommendations should be revised. Flu shot mandates should be repealed and vaccine manufacturers held accountable for vaccine risks and failures in civil court. 


4 Cooper M. DOD Influenza Surveillance and Vaccine Effectiveness. Presentation to FDA Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee (Slide 28) Feb. 27, 2014.
6 The Canadian Press. Flu shot linked to higher incidence of flu in pandemic year. CBCNews Sept. 11, 2012.
7 Jefferson T, DiPietrantonj C, Rivetti A et al. Vaccines for preventing influenza in health adults. The Cochrane Library July 7, 2010.
8 Jefferson T., Rivetti A, Di Pietrantonij C et al. Vaccines for preventing influenza in healthy children. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2012; Issue 8.
10 CDC. Seasonal Influenza Q&A. Aug. 15, 2014.
11 CDC. 2014-2015 Influenza Season Week 51 Ending December 20, 2014. FluView Weekly U.S. Influenza Surveillance Report Dec. 29, 2014.
12 Doshi P. Influenza Vaccine Time for a Rethink. JAMA Intern Med 2013; 173(11): 1014-1016.
15 Machicado JD, Bhagya-Rao B, Davagustto G, McKelvy BJ. Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis following seasonal Influenza Vaccination in an Elderly Patient. Clin Vaccine Immunol 2013; 20(9): 1485-1486.
23 Zimmer SM, Burke DS. Historical Perspectives – Emergence of Influenza A (H1N1) Virus. N Eng J Med 2009; 381: 279-285.
24 CDC. Types of Influenza Viruses. Aug. 19, 2014.
28 Clancy S. Genetics of Influenza Virus. Nature Education 2008; 1(1): 83.
30 Fisher BL. Flu Vaccine: Missing the Mark. NVIC: The Vaccine Reaction Newsletter Spring 2004. 
34 Lister S. Pandemic Influenza Appropriations for Public Health Preparedness and Response. Congressional Research Service Jan. 23, 2007.
35 Homeland Security News Wire. Sanofi Pasteur to open new flu vaccine plant. Aug. 14, 2007.
37 Palmer E. GSK gets OK for $91M vaccine plant with Texas A&M. Fierce Pharma Manufacturing Mar. 27, 2013.
44 Fisher BL. Influenza Deaths: The Hype vs. The Evidence. NVIC Newsletter Oct. 3, 2012. 
45 LaVigne P. Expert Says Influenza Vaccine Maker Misrepresents Facts. NVIC Newsletter June 25, 2013.
46 Fisher BL. Vaccination During Pregnancy: Is It Safe? NVIC Newsletter Nov. 9, 2013.
47 World Health Organization. Influenza. Oct. 2, 2014.
48 Centers for Disease Control. Transmission of Influenza Viruses from Animals to Humans. Aug. 19, 2014.
50 Bouvier NM, Lowen AC. Animal Models for Influenza Virus Pathogenesis and Transmission. Viruses 2010; 2: 1530-1563.
52 He CQ, Han GZ, Wang D et al. Homologous recombination evidence in human and swine influenza A viruses. Virology 2008; 380(1): 12-20.
57 Lauring AS, Jones JO, Andino R. Rationalizing the development of live attenuated virus vaccines. Nature Biotech 2010; 28: 573-579. 
58 Tripp RA, Tompkin SM. Virus Vectored Influenza Vaccines. Viruses 2014; 6: 3055-3079.
59 Saxena M, Van TTH, Baird FJ et al. Pre-existing immunity against vaccine vector: friend or foe? Microbiol 2013; 159: 1-11.
60 Myhr AI, Traavik T. Genetically Engineered Virus-Vectored Vaccines – Environmental Risk Assessment and Management Challenges. In: Genetic Engineering – Basics, New Applications and Responsibilities. In Tech 2012.
64 Novartis Vaccines. Flucelvax (Influenza Vaccine) Package Insert. Description March 2014.
67 Tetsutani K, Ishi KJ. Adjuvants in influenza vaccines. Vaccine 2012; 30(52): 7658-7661.
68 Vano M, Taccone M, Caccin P et al. The adjuvant MF59 induces ATP release from muscle that potentiates responses to vaccination. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2013; 110(52): 21095-21100.
73 True JM. Succeeding in the Global Vaccines Market. Capgemini Consulting Aug. 6, 2013.

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13 Responses to "ANOTHER Epic Fail for Influenza Vaccine "
Commenter Name
Dr Donna J Hinders
Posted: 1/8/2015 1:16:14 PM
Thank you for your ongoing information and updates--it is so appreciated. My concern about this article delineating the failed flu vaccines--is that there is a pre-supposition that flu vaccines are then sometimes effective. They aren't; they don't work. Period. They only poison and impair brain and immune function. Just another government sanctioned and monetized program for murder by medicine. Just sayin' Thank you so much! Dr Donna J Hinders
Commenter Name
Robert McIntosh
Posted: 1/8/2015 11:45:37 PM
I read an article that said your chances of getting the influenza are about 2%. If you get the shot, it goes down to 1% - statistically a 50% reduction. But this also means that for every 100 people who get the shot, only 1 benefits and it is worthless for the other 99%! Editors note: Would you please send us the reference for that article, readers are asking? Thanks Robert.
Commenter Name
Ken Conrad
Posted: 1/9/2015 8:27:15 AM
I can agree with the medical professions efforts to maintain sterile conditions during surgery, and even their use of antibiotics following surgery if …necessary. But their attempt to prevent disease and illness via the intentional injection of intended or unintended viral, retroviral, bacterial, nanobacterial, mycoplasmal, fungal and yeast microbes, not to mention accompanying toxins such as bacterial source endotoxins via their vaccinations programs is a flagrant contradiction of the very objective they are trying to achieve with their surgery protocol. Their heads must to be screwed on backwards if they think the addition to the mix of toxic chemicals and heavy metals such as acetone, formaldehyde, solvent detergents, aluminum and mercury etc. will all of a sudden make their vaccines safe let alone effective at preventing illnesses such as the flu. Ken
Commenter Name
Lisa Smith
Posted: 1/9/2015 12:36:25 PM
Thank you for telling the truth about the flu vaccine. 9 years after the shot that almost killed me, I am back in physical therapy and facing surgery on my tendons. With the flu, I would have been sick at most for 14 days. I have been trying to recover from the shot for 9 years with medical bills of over $500,000.00
Commenter Name
Posted: 1/10/2015 6:54:06 PM
as a mandated vaccine injury recipient, I lived 5.5 years in hell and paid an enormous amount of money to irradiate the unknown. The agony is enough but to be mandated to pay more for a medical card (w/o use) than a brand new car each month is unbelievable. I have been severely traumatized by the medical field and literally denied diagnostic procedures (some of which are 100% non invasive) to evade proof of a debilitating condition. I've been given drugs for things I don't have and despite knowing my body, paying for a mandated medical plan, and buying future PTSD (because Im still being traumatized by doctors), they are allowed to do what they do. Doctors can get away with it by mysteriously being unable to locate your records (mainly because it wouldn't make sense if they put in writing what they did to you). On top of the medical field's prehistoric curriculum, they are legal drug dealers who are far worse than the drug dealers in prison (fact I was a former CO too). We re dealing with an infarstructure of social/pschopathatic pieces of shit. Laws, Big Pharma, etc. I hope there is a big prison in Hell just waiting to torture their asses for an eternity!
Commenter Name
Robert McIntosh
Posted: 1/11/2015 5:28:07 AM
Here is the link to the vaccine article stating flu vaccines are only effective in preventing one case of influenza for every 100 people who receive the vaccine. http://www.naturalnews.com/033998_influenza_vaccines_effectiveness.html
Commenter Name
Peter Boyle
Posted: 1/25/2015 9:29:24 PM
I was curious to find more detail on the study behind influenza effectiveness being between 0-7%, thank you for providing the reference and I was able to easily find the slide deck. I think it is worth noting that Michael Cooper, the source you are referencing for that statistic, noted himself that there were limitations to his own study, which he made mention of the day of that presentation (Feb 28th). For those interested, he goes through five points as to why that particular study has it's limitations. You can read the transcript and reference the bottom of page 107 where he goes through the five points. I think it's worth at least reading the words he spoke for true context, which you can find here: http://www.fda.gov/downloads/AdvisoryCommittees/CommitteesMeetingMaterials/BloodVaccinesandOtherBiologics/VaccinesandRelatedBiologicalProductsAdvisoryCommittee/UCM389690.pdf Given the limitations he outlines for his own study, and that particular statistic, possibly another comparison that is more apples to apples with the CDC's statistic would be more appropriate? Thanks, Peter
Commenter Name
Heather nichols
Posted: 1/31/2015 9:16:52 PM
Thank you for all the info . My family hates that I refuse to vaccination my 2 year old and my self since I was pregnant with him. I'm happy to find there are many more Americans that shares my view than I thought .
Commenter Name
Christie Hernandez
Posted: 2/13/2015 3:53:12 PM
Hello, I am a nursing student in California, where my school's policy in the flu vaccine is one that allowed me to wear a mask to clinical settings in order to avoid getting this ineffective and toxic flu vaccine. I chose to not get the vaccine after in depth research into the vaccine and its side effects. Now my clinical instructor is telling me that the vaccine is mandatory and I cannot go to clinicals next week if I do not have it- with or without the mask. I would like some feedback from anyone who might have constructive input for me. Thank you, Christie Editors note: Christie you might get some locally explicit ideas from Nurses Against Mandatory Vaccines namv.org
Commenter Name
Posted: 2/27/2015 6:41:59 PM
Does that mean that someone with a severe sensitivity to formaldehyde (my father, for instance, who quit his pre-med program at Stanford because he went into shock on exposure) would potentially be receiving this preservative in flu shots? Recently, my husband and I both had some respiratory issues related to merchandise that was supposed to contain formaldehyde. Is this used in most or a good portion of vaccines standardly?
Commenter Name
Posted: 3/17/2015 4:01:51 PM
This is in response to Heather Nichols: consider how your family would react if your baby becomes autistic. No, you are not alone, and you are not home free either yet. If you consider vaccinations in the future, please wait till your boy is out of autism danger zone (generally after three), and try to spread out vaccinations. No three shots in one doctor's visit! Good luck to you!
Commenter Name
Jan Toff
Posted: 1/2/2016 3:19:11 PM
Thanks for all the good info here. Being retired I had some time and did my own research on the influenza vaccine. What a eye opener. I put it all together into a easy to follow website. This is for Canada but everything said here also applies to the US. I also had to use a number of US CDC links to complete the research. http://flushotcanada.blogspot.ca
Commenter Name
Posted: 2/12/2016 3:44:47 PM
Hi im a healthy 36year old staff nurse from phila pa. I am required by my employer to get the flu vaccine every year. Well i got the shot in Nov 2015 and now as of yesterday tested positive for influenza A.

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