NVIC Vaccine News

Swine Flu Vaccine Should Not Be Given to Children in Schools

By Barbara Loe Fisher
Published July 22, 2009 in Government

On April 26, a national public health emergency was declared by officials in the U.S. Departments of Health and Homeland Security. 1,2 We were told it was necessary to declare a national emergency because people were getting sick from a new swine flu virus that began in Mexico and might cause a deadly influenza pandemic.

So far, the vast majority of people who get sick with swine flu have symptoms that are no worse than the regular flu and recover completely. 3,4,5, 6

Three Week Testing of Swine Flu Vaccines

The declaration of a national public health emergency last spring set a chain of events in motion: some schools were closed, 7 some people were quarantined 8, 9 and drug companies were given billons of tax dollars to create experimental swine flu vaccines. 10 These new vaccines are being fast tracked by the FDA. We are being told they will only be tested for a few weeks on a few hundred children and adults 11 before being given to children in schools in October.

Liability Protection for Vaccine Injuries & Deaths

Under federal legislation passed by Congress since 2001, an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) 12,13,14 allows drug companies, health officials and anyone who gives experimental vaccines to Americans during a declared public health emergency, to be protected from liability if people get hurt.

Safety and Informed Consent At Risk in Schools

The National Vaccine Information Center has been a vaccine safety watchdog since 1982. We are questioning the need to turn schools into medical clinics this fall where swine flu vaccines being rushed to market will be given to children first. We are calling on the Obama Administration and state Governors to provide solid evidence to parents that it is necessary to give children experimental swine flu vaccines in schools.

Are the states prepared to obey vaccine safety provisions in the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act,15 which include:

1. Giving parents written information about vaccine benefits and risks before children are vaccinated; 16

2. Keeping a record of which vaccines the children get, including the manufacturer’s name and lot number;

3. Recording which vaccines were given in the child’s medical record;

4. Recording serious health problems that develop after vaccination in the child’s medical record and immediately making a report to the federal Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) 17

Will States Compensate Vaccine Injured Children?

And there are more questions that need to be answered: Are the states prepared to provide financial compensation to children harmed by swine flu vaccines given in schools? Are parents going to be given complete, truthful information about swine flu vaccine risks and have the right to say “YES” or “NO” before their children are lined up and vaccinated in the school setting?

Vaccines are pharmaceutical products that carry a risk of injury or death and those risks are greater for some than others. 1 in 6 children in America is learning disabled18. 1 in 9 has asthma 1 in 150 develops autism. 1 in 450 has diabetes and millions more suffer with allergies and autoimmune disorders. Will the swine flu vaccine be safe for them?

Although it is a good idea for health officials to prepare for a worst case scenario and stockpile vaccines, it is a bad idea to turn schools into medical clinics and basically test experimental swine flu vaccines on children first. Especially when nobody has any liability. That has the potential to hurt children instead of keeping them well.

NVIC Oct. 2-4 Conference Addresses Vaccine Risks

This Oct. 2-4, 2009 in Washington, D.C., parents concerned about the lack of vaccine safety and informed consent protections in the vaccination system will gather with doctors, scientists, bioethicists, legal experts, journalists, and consumer advocates at the Fourth International Public Conference on Vaccination to talk about the science, policy, law and ethics of vaccination.

Register now

– Special Early Bird registration ends on July 31.

Click here for more information about swine flu, swine flu vaccines, public health laws that govern you and you family, and how you can be better prepared to make well informed decisions during the declared national public health emergency.

1 U.S. Department of Homeland Security. Press Briefing on Swine Influenza with Dept. of Homeland Security, Centers for Disease Control and White House. April 26, 2009.

2 U.S. Department of Health & Human Services. Determination That A Public Health Emergency Exists. April 26, 2009.

3 Gale J. Bloomberg News. Swine Flu May Be Less Lethal Than Earlier Estimated, Study Says. July 6, 2009.

4 Schmid RE. The Seattle Times. Study: New flu inefficient in attacking people. July 2, 2009.

5 Centers for Disease Control. FluView. 2008-2009 Influenza Season Week 27 Ending July 11, 2009.

6 Food and Drug Administration, Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research, Office of Vaccine Research and Review. Regulatory Considerations Regarding the Use of Novel Influenza A (H1N1) Virus Vaccines. July 23, 2009.

7 US Department of Education. H1N1 Flu & U.S. Schools: Answers to Frequently Asked Questions. May 5, 2009.

8 NBC. Marine Tests Positive for Swine Flu. April 29, 2009.

9 CBS. DHS Sets Guidelines for Possible Swine Flu Quarantines. April 28, 2009.

10 The Independent. Obama earmarks emergency funding to fight swine flu. July 16, 2009.

11 Food and Drug Administration, Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research, Office of Vaccine Research and Review. Regulatory Considerations Regarding the Use of Novel Influenza A (H1N1) Virus Vaccines. July 23, 2009.

12 Project Bioshield Act of 2004 (PL 108-276)

13 The Pandemic and All Hazards Preparedness Act of 2006 (PL 109-417).

14 Nightingale SL, Prasher JM, Simonson S. Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) to Enable Use of Needed Products in Civilian and Military Emergencies, United States. Emerging Infectious Diseases Vo. 13, No.7: July 2007

15 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 (PL99-660)

16 CDC. Fact Sheet for Vaccine Information Statements.

17 MedAlerts. Online Access to the U.S. VAERS Database.

18 Fisher BL. Vaccine Safety Research Priorities: Engaging the Public. National Vaccine Advisory Committee. April 11, 2008.


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70 Responses to "Swine Flu Vaccine Should Not Be Given to Children in Schools "
Commenter Name
Donna Sadoski
Posted: 7/22/2009 10:13:50 AM
Barbara - This is scary. What do we do to stop this from happening? Can they give this vaccine to my child without my permission? My daughter is starting kindergarten this Fall and just got her 5 year vaccines. I don't want her to have any more. Please let me/us know your thoughts. Thank you. Donna
Commenter Name
michael framson
Posted: 7/22/2009 4:59:31 PM
What is the mercury content of these vaccines? Will "they" vaccinate children who are acutely ill, with a fever for instance? Are they targeting pregnant women? How are cash strapped states going to compensate for vaccine injured children? Sounds like a recipe for disaster.
Commenter Name
Posted: 7/22/2009 5:14:45 PM
What they are planning is unconscionable. Drug companies(and who knows who else) are setting us up for legal genocide. Not only are they planning on mandatory vaccintions for all, but the government has made sure the drug companies will not be prosecuted for any harm done. The media continues to report how harmful the flu is,but not one word about the harm from vaccinations.Can you say propaganda? You will not find any news item inviting comments either. Sounds like a conspiracy to me! I never believed in such things, but I sure can see them now.
Commenter Name
Posted: 7/22/2009 10:42:26 PM
Thank you for this critical information. I plan to pass it along widely.
Commenter Name
Posted: 7/22/2009 10:43:00 PM
Thank you for this critical information. I plan to pass it along widely.
Commenter Name
Buster Gibson
Posted: 7/23/2009 7:36:21 AM
THANK U! Although, its only July '09, I've been wondering, how, when & ~Why~ this H U G E!!! vaccination deal will be handled by both schls, & parents. Gee, will the police need to get involved too? Thanks for speaking out! Pls EDUCATE us, the public, moms & Dads.
Commenter Name
Posted: 7/23/2009 8:10:03 AM
My wife is a doctor for a group that is contracted in a few hospitals. Can those hospitals or her group legally require her to take a vaccination? Can the Fed Gov legally require us all to be vaccinated? It seems some severe penalties are already being discussed, like mass detention camps for vaccine refusers- which seems like a horrible idea if they are really trying to prevent the spread of a virus. Home quarantine seems like a much better option. Also, if the vaccine works, how would people refusing the vaccine harm anybody but themselves. We vaccinated our child and have generally believed in vaccines but this one has trouble written all over it. I teach at a public secondary school so I am a little concerned about getting pressured into this vaccine as well.
Commenter Name
Posted: 7/23/2009 10:00:12 AM
Good people, please take heed to this compassionate, caring woman. Go to your Department of Health for your state and get a religious, medical, or phylisophic exemption before school starts. If they won't let you enroll your child, make sure you formally remove them from the puplic school system so they won't enact truiency and CPS your child(ren).
Commenter Name
Posted: 7/25/2009 4:47:34 PM
Will you please start some sort of movement by which we can all voice our desire to be able to refuse the vaccination and self quarantine if need be? I am very afraid that we will lose our right to choose, but am frustrated in that I can't seem to find a group advocating for choice that is being heard. I don't want to align myself with those who claim this is a plan to kill of 80-90% of the world's population, but I do want to refuse the vaccination and be able to stay in my home. Can you help????
Commenter Name
Posted: 7/27/2009 10:11:07 AM
I think it is INSANITY to give a vaccine to children without proper testing. This is crazy, and even though I work in a school, I will refuse to take this vaccine! This is why the government should not be involved in healthcare!
Commenter Name
Posted: 7/28/2009 12:36:36 PM
If they do decide to visit schools in the UK to give the Vaccine, The school should first notify the parents as soon as they know.I will even keep my children away from school to make sure they dont get the vaccine.Infact I will keep my children off school and quarantine them myself if I have to. I will tell the school and make them aware too.
Commenter Name
Posted: 7/28/2009 12:37:09 PM
If they do decide to visit schools in the UK to give the Vaccine, The school should first notify the parents as soon as they know.I will even keep my children away from school to make sure they dont get the vaccine.Infact I will keep my children off school and quarantine them myself if I have to. I will tell the school and make them aware too.
Commenter Name
Posted: 7/28/2009 1:11:36 PM
Please go view this video, write your State and National COngressman and Senators about a thrid alternative "self-shield". There is a site that you can go to to sign a petition for a bill!! Hurry we all have to act NOW!! http://hubpages.com/hub/David-Icke-says-say-no-to-the-Swine-Flu-vaccination
Commenter Name
matt towler
Posted: 7/28/2009 1:56:02 PM
Would like any info on hepatiis B vaccinations given to infant ...please. My daughter is 6 months old and has had the vaccination at 2 months and noe cannot brathe with her lungs but uses her stomach muscles and has been diagnoised with a musclar...( one of 3 musclar disorders) but the dr. won tell us which one. we are on our way to e.r....in jesus name
Commenter Name
Posted: 7/29/2009 3:07:12 PM
So will some one please tell me WHY we need the military involved????? http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2009/07/29/military-poised-help-fema-battle-swine-flu-outbreak/
Commenter Name
Posted: 8/3/2009 5:22:15 AM
Whatever happened to this being a free country ? Big Brother has it's claws deepen within us !
Commenter Name
Posted: 8/3/2009 10:52:46 PM
I am so happy to have found this website! Barbara, thank you for informing us parents! Nobody, and I mean nobody is talking about this flu..not friends, not family. I am continually on line to inform myself with as much information on this situation pertaining to vaccinations. I mention concerns to others, and they tell me I worry too much, and kind of laugh!! I will be checking your site daily and I now feel at ease because their are others on this site that are feeling concerned as well. This situation is becoming worrisome. I will continue to be pro-active. Thank you soooo much!!!!
Commenter Name
Posted: 8/3/2009 10:58:57 PM
I am so happy to have found this website! Barbara, thank you for informing us parents! Nobody, and I mean nobody is talking about this flu..not friends, not family. I am continually on line to inform myself with as much information on this situation pertaining to vaccinations. I mention concerns to others, and they tell me I worry too much, and kind of laugh!! I will be checking your site daily and I now feel at ease because their are others on this site that are feeling concerned as well. This situation is becoming worrisome. I will continue to be pro-active. Thank you soooo much!!!!
Commenter Name
Posted: 8/5/2009 3:05:44 AM
Commenter Name
Posted: 8/5/2009 11:20:13 AM
My children are the most important people in my life. I would do anything to protect them, and the way I see it is anyone approaching my child without my permission and is holding a sharp object with the intent of injerting a substance that may cause adverse affects to their health, is committing "attempted assault with a deadly weapon"; and they better pray to any higher power that they believe in that the police arrive to arrest them before I get there. Also can anyone confirm the reports I've heard of "Quarantine Camps" being prepared for those of us who refuse to recieve this vacination? If it's true, I would invite all americans who have ever read history to replace the Quarantine with Concentration and see what images come to mind.
Commenter Name
charles buchanan
Posted: 8/5/2009 3:09:22 PM
this is the WHO-CDC-UN first test of population control in america as they have in africa and elsewhere! cant you see the writing on the wall...those fema camps are waiting for you if you resist. they call in the goons trained in iraq and gitmo and elsewhere,to enforce americans. cps and fema will also have jurisdiction over local law enforcements. get real and get ready!
Commenter Name
Posted: 8/6/2009 7:36:26 PM
I used to be one of those people who laughed at conspiracy theory. There was/is a story (on late night radio), about the large no. of microbiologists' who have died in unusual ways over the past few years. Am I crazy? Combined with the information I've just read I must admit I am feeling a real case of the creeps.
Commenter Name
Posted: 8/6/2009 8:59:39 PM
The H1N1 (swine) flu vaccine is developed using the same technology as the HPV vaccine (Gardasil). This is novel (new) technology using genetically modified virus-like-particles (VLPs) along with perservatives and adjuvants. No perservatives (aluminum) or other adjuvants have ever been tested for safety in clinical trials, let alone any long-term follow-up on this new VLP based immunization. No cumulative assessments or research on total exposure over a life span or even during childhood, and no concomitant vaccine administration studies or research into who is vulnerable to vaccine risks and why have been done. Vaccination as a public health measure is challenged and this issue is the biggest white elephant the conventional medical system will ever face. Lets make them face it now.
Commenter Name
Lee G
Posted: 8/11/2009 8:18:52 AM
folks you all seem scared and may be there is legit. concern for it. But when we as a people, a nation, refuse the blessings of God what is left? Only the alternative, and this is part of it. The Bible calls us like sheep. When sheep are left to themselves they gravitate towards self destruction getting into all kinds of trouble. He has all the answers we just need to talk to Him and follow his lead for He is the Good Shepherd.
Commenter Name
Posted: 8/11/2009 12:41:03 PM
Swine Flu Elevated to level 6? Epidemic? I think not. How'd they get so many millions of vaccines ready without a moonshot effort? I'll tell you..this has been in the works for a long, long time. It is a consorted effort to depopulate the world. Obama's Janet Nepolitano is working to use law enforcement agencies to force American men, women and children to get this death-sentence. I say lets round up all these NWO freaks and make their wishes of depopulation a reality by starting with them first. SEE THIS ON YOUTUBE: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5lcJt4jX1Vo&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r4c9Is1T3z4&feature=related
Commenter Name
Posted: 8/16/2009 8:58:57 PM
I would rather remove my child from the public school system and risk jail than allow these people to administer this vaccine to my autistic five year old. Hell no.
Commenter Name
Posted: 8/17/2009 10:17:40 AM
Grant There are concentration camps/fema camps placed all over the United States in the guise of empty military bases. There are also over 500,000 plastic coffins sitting in an open field somewhere in Georgis I believe all you have to do is youtube it. I have learned an extremely large amount of information by listening to Alex Jones on youtube as well as his website prisonplanet.com People please wake up, eugenics is happening now. It is not a republican/democrat issue, never was. Please please please dont be sheep and please wake up. If you have no idea what Im talking about and think Im a wacko, just please research The New World Order and depopulation and form your own opinion. Thank You and Godspeed
Commenter Name
Linda S
Posted: 8/18/2009 9:12:04 PM
I've read many sites and can not find anything on side effects! I'm an RN--staffed at a lg hospital--it was put to us that if we don't not take the vaccine and get sick, we would definately be "on our way to a reprimand". I've never even taken the flu vaccine or given it to my 8 yr old. I think that would be consider abuse if they gave children vaccines w/o notifying parents first.
Commenter Name
Posted: 8/20/2009 1:42:29 AM
Please pray for our children and our nation. Do not panic. We must notify our representatives NOW! We should be able to self-shield and quarantine ourselves in our own homes. Stock up your food and supplies for a several week self-shield. We should NOT be forced to take this vaccine. If you are interested in devotional prayer, please pray the Rosary. There is also a devotional to the Most Precious Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ at http://www.preciousbloodinternational.com/. Our times are very scary. Pray for our children and families and nation. Contact your governors as well. Contact the schools. Tell as many people as possible.
Commenter Name
Posted: 8/20/2009 1:44:21 AM
Please pray for our children and our nation. Do not panic. We must notify our representatives NOW! We should be able to self-shield and quarantine ourselves in our own homes. Stock up your food and supplies for a several week self-shield. We should NOT be forced to take this vaccine. If you are interested in devotional prayer, please pray the Rosary. There is also a devotional to the Most Precious Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ at http://www.preciousbloodinternational.com/. Our times are very scary. Pray for our children and families and nation. Contact your governors as well. Contact the schools. Tell as many people as possible.
Commenter Name
Posted: 8/20/2009 10:34:34 AM
The U.S constitution is not for "WE THE PEOPLE" its actually a buisness plan to help the four fathers become wealthy. i.e the Rockefellers/rothschild... 98 percent of law schools do not offer Constitutional Law in the curriculum. WAKE UP PEOPLE GET OUT OF THIS ILLUSION U ARE LIVING IN we have all been brainwashing. Now look how they are making it mandotory for our own kids to get vaccinated. Start to Educate yourself people....
Commenter Name
Posted: 8/20/2009 1:40:49 PM
Thank God that people are waking up to the real hidden agenda behind the Swine Flu Vaccination Scam. It is already known and proven that Baxter Pharmaceuticals engineered the Swine Flu Virus and purposely released it. They along with others are facing Criminal Charges. Their Swine Flu Vaccine contains a Filthy Brew of known Toxins, amongst which is: Squalene. As for ummunity granted to Big Pharma....they can forget it. The International Court in the Hague will nail them and their New World Order Masters ( Satanic Monsters)
Commenter Name
Posted: 8/22/2009 8:32:28 PM
Hi Barbara: You're doing very good work and I thank you for it. I've sent your NVIC.org site out to everyone on my e mail list. God bless, and peace on earth Dave Short
Commenter Name
Posted: 8/22/2009 8:36:43 PM
Hi Barbara: You're doing very good work and I thank you for it. I've sent your NVIC.org site out to everyone on my e mail list. God bless, and peace on earth Dave Short
Commenter Name
Posted: 8/24/2009 8:03:09 PM
It is a shame so many children are so sick with things like autism and learning disablities, that this shot will make them even sicker than their previous shots already have....
Commenter Name
Posted: 8/24/2009 8:05:24 PM
To the woman with the comment on top, NOBODY can give you're child an injection without you're consent, nor can they FORCE you to vaccinate you're child! Schools cannot turn away a child who is unvaccinated, this is YOUR decision...pleas mom, look into you're status process for Vaccination exception and be strong in you're wishes to not put any more toxins into you're childs body!
Commenter Name
Posted: 9/3/2009 12:34:40 PM
Your shower is awaiting you Welcome to NAZI Germany!
Commenter Name
Posted: 9/3/2009 12:41:48 PM
Your shower is awaiting you Welcome to NAZI Germany!
Commenter Name
Posted: 9/10/2009 9:32:31 AM
THANK YOU for continuing to educate the public about the risks associated with "fast-tracking" the swine flu vaccine, and vaccines in general. PLEASE google" Austrian reporter Jane Burgermeister" and read about her lawsuit against the U.S./Obama. She contends that the swine flu was hyped to reach the Level 6 panemic; to commit acts of bioterrorism on all U.S. Citizens by injecting us with the live-virus/squalene poisoned vaccine in order to make billions of dollars and assume control of the U.S. FEMA has over 230 EMPTY concentration camps in the U.S.(many built by Haliburton!), some with gas chambers and incinerators-I swear this is true-look it up. Will they make prisoners those who refuse the swine flu shot, and ship them all to FEMA camps? After all the hype about foreign terrorists, I am frightened to learn that the real enemy may be U.S. big pharma companies, FEMA, and the CDC. It is chilling to read about this chain of events, seemingly taken from an old Hitler playbook...
Commenter Name
Posted: 9/10/2009 10:33:20 AM
I'm letting people know about your site and the risks involved in vaccines. Keep up the good work! Drew http://coach4health.blogspot.com/
Commenter Name
Posted: 9/13/2009 1:05:19 PM
As a healthcare professional, I am overall supportive of vaccines, however interestingly enough my 9 yo son's school is assisting the local Health Dept by offering the "seasonal" flu vaccine on campus. What has amazed me is that I only received a letter from the school nurse and a patient eligibility screening form provide by the HD. NO federally required VIS form for parents to read & consider NOR the required consent form to be signed were sent home for the parents. Most of the <18 yos are in a state wide computer system that keeps their medical records updated if the parents have consented, which most have, so medical documentation is not the problem as the HD will put the data in. BUT, proper legal informed consent IS a problem in this situation. Also, no mention from the nurse about VAERS, who & how to contact if any concerns of side effects or complications. Perhaps they will send all of those documents AFTER the fact. It's like they are trying to push their agenda to just vaccinate everyone they can without proper information being given to the parents prior to administering it.
Commenter Name
Posted: 9/16/2009 6:56:56 AM
Rick I agree with you, NAZI AMERICA IS HERE! Now lets try and get Obama out of office next term. He is apart of all this and "their" hidden agendas for not only our Children but for those who disagree with their NWO for America. Very frightening!
Commenter Name
Posted: 9/16/2009 1:25:18 PM
Everyone is very correct in being worried. 1st the information of the A(H1N1) -Swine flu is sketchy at best. All the test that were supposed to have been done in April and May were not. The doctors asted how they felt...tested some,not others. Then this Flu shot.....fast tracked....the Tamiflu has been proven by long testing and reported to the US for the US from Germany and Japan that some of the side effects in kids are:dellerium,hallucination and death.My grand children will NOT be getting an untested shot.They will not be getting a regular flu shot....due to known side effects. Native Americans are extremely effected....no test on my people. But there are results that this swine flu has been hardest on the Native American people.Now...they are going to experiment on our troops.They are in a war zone fighting possible death at every turn.Now they are going to be injected, just to see what will happen? You know our WWII vets were experimented on.....what would the effects of radiation be?....let's send them right in right after the H bonb was dropped....oh you mean that all of them inthe experiment came down with Lukeimia? Go figure. My Father in law lived longer than the rest in his company. His pictures of the area they were dropped in with the dates and all his fellow Marines are very hard to look at...knowing he was just an"experiment".now the kids? no way.Has any body wondered why pregnant women are effected so much? google Ferlite farms in the Phillapines. That is were all the test monkeys for the CDC come from. The vast majority of the are enfected with a type of Ebola strain. Great right? Wrong. The CDC and the WHO have known about this for tens of years.Deaths to people? yep. Kept secret? yep.Known about by people that live near a primate test area? yep.nest question....what does that have to do with the swine flu? it has crossed over to pigs.The folks that deal in the pig farms all report(including the vets) on the AASV magazine.google this.it has crossed into the human food chain as well. How did the bird virus get mixed in? Smithfield foods---that huge world-wide company bought out Tyson foods(birds). People get the every day flu. So we have human,pig,bird, and the untalked about (do not want to scare people)monkey virus. It is at least 4. This new flu shot .....is it tested against all this? no. I and my husband have already had this in May,2009,it was bad for me as I (in 1980) had cancer. I am in remission -now for 29 years...but it laid me out for 4 days. We keep on hand an herb,because of this strickly for viruses. It will not kill the virus, but rather raps around it to isolate it. Then your body can fight it off. This is called Pau d' Arco. It comes in capsule or extract forms. I am not a doctor or nurse.....but I was raised by a nurse and my father was trained by the WW II navy for medical practice (if need be-for troops in battle). Just everyone, take time to research as best as you can. If the doctors did not help when they were suppossed to in March,April,May.......no gloves,masks,swab test.....why in the world do we just march in and roll up our sleeves....and get a shot...made by who knows who,with what ingredient in it....we were not there when it was made,nor did we follow it every step of the way to the needle about to go into a childs arm.People do research.Stay safe.
Commenter Name
Dr. Joshua Cleveland, River Falls, WI
Posted: 9/18/2009 9:18:32 AM
This is an issue that will not go away...as long as monetary concerns, conflict of interest and big pharma exist. The solution begins and ends with all of us....concerned parents, doctors and citizens who relish a free society with freedon of healthcare choices. If you saw the photos of the Maryland courthouse in 2007, you have to understand the gov't WILL force you to do whatever it takes to sustain the status quo. What are you willing to do to protect your freedoms and those of your loved one? Are you willing to educate yourself and become a voice for truth and ethics in healthcare policy? Will you get to this summit in October and educate yourself so you may become a mouthpiece for others who cant stand alone....I double dare you!!
Commenter Name
Posted: 9/25/2009 12:39:50 PM
I have recently for both my children filled out religious exemption forms for my two children (6 & 14) for vaccination, pertaining especially to the H1N1. I plan to fight this. If enough people band together, no one can make us do anything against the bodies of our children and us. I am handing out fliers warning people of the vaccines. Lots of people are asleep at the wheel with this. We are behind you Barbara, all the way.
Commenter Name
Nino Baldino
Posted: 9/25/2009 6:47:59 PM
Well here we go again..back in 1976 the hysteria was complete with this phony plague,more people died from the shot then from the so called ailment.Is this not from the same establishment who warned us with a straight face that starting at midnite 2000 some kind of Y2K virus will shut down all of the worlds computers ..I still have a cbs radio report new years eve that ' some 35,000 bodybags have been sent to madison sguare garden in preparation of the mass riots that will occure" these are the nannies we follow...look come over later and we can discuss the tooth fairy also.....Nino
Commenter Name
Posted: 9/27/2009 8:48:34 AM
NO< the states will not be gving compensation to children harmed by the vaccine as the 2002 Homeland Security Act,frees ALL from ANY liability from harm by vaccines. Sad, but true.
Commenter Name
Posted: 10/2/2009 4:40:10 PM
Things are escalating, even sense the beginning of this post so much has happened in the media and with this swine flu vaccine. States are becoming up rested with the idea of a no option vaccine, those who choose not to get it, would be held up in concentration camps around the nation. Think i'm kidding ? You tube harden Montana, this is where there first camp is becoming operational. Think I am wrong, research this topic anywhere on the web, or even in your local town and ask people what they think. %99 THIS IS WRONG, where did our republican constitution go ? its more like a democratic constitution, where did our voice go?, people with authority will be deciding if your child will have to get the H1N1. Sad truth, did you guys watch the G20 summit riots in Chicago a couple days ago? The governments using advanced rioting control devices such as High noise gain which temporary stuns the thought process. We the people must represent our rights, in which this one cuts the nation deep. But my biggest concern is why isnt our president addressing this issues. Why isnt he giving us confidence in our decision making for our kids ? I have a two year old daughter that means the world to me, and you would have to use force upon me in order for my daughter to get this vaccine, and then expect me to pay for it ? !! Doubtfully .. Just as many upon has stated what is in these new vaccines ? Nano technology.... Tracking systems, population control. I THOUGHT IT WAS all conspiracy until I dug enough to see with my own eyes whats going on in our nation. God bless the people who represent the wealth of life. God speed those in need of hope. God protect the freedom of our nation.. The golden age of our people has been cracked through and through, this age of opportunity will prevail with the freedom of the people, and the people that choose to prevail against all odds.
Commenter Name
Posted: 10/2/2009 8:33:18 PM
They can not make you take the H1N1 vaccine, it is a choice just like the flu shot.
Commenter Name
Anya Narkhova
Posted: 10/4/2009 9:26:52 PM
My 3.5 year old son never had any vaccine in his life and he is more healthy then my friends children who had all vaccines from birth and up to now.As long as i live he not have it any kind vaccine.
Commenter Name
Anya Narkhova
Posted: 10/4/2009 9:29:55 PM
My 3.5 year old son never had any vaccine in his life and he is more healthy then my friends children who had all vaccines from birth and up to now. And he not will have one ever.
Commenter Name
Posted: 10/7/2009 2:18:00 PM
As an adult who now has acute disseminated encephalomyelitis from her flu shot in October 2008, I approached my local NBC affiliate about getting the other side of the story and do you think they contacted me? Most definitely not. I also work in a large healthcare system who has just made the flu & H1N1 mandatory unless I medically opt out. I try to tell everyone to beware and I don't think anyone really listens. I have continued neurological problems with my limbs, I am on intermittent FMLA, I have 7 diagnoses with my vision and I am a medical nightmare. The educated guess is I had a brain stem reaction to the protein the vaccine was "baked" in. Be very careful.
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Dr. Julia J. Carlson, DC
Posted: 10/19/2009 1:13:12 PM
Why can't I find a complete list of Swine Flu/H1N1 vaccine ingredients? It is driving me crazy, and I keep hearing a rumor that it is being made with old stock-pile of Avian flu vaccine that will soon expire. I would like to advertise the ingredients to my patients, but I want a credible source so that I can post it on a board in my office. I can't find it on NVIC.org, CDC.gov or even on any of the drug companies websites. Thanks!
Commenter Name
Posted: 10/20/2009 2:09:24 AM
Same Flu shot that has been given for years. No conclusive Scientific evidence that the trace amounts of Mercury can do any harm. Even if there was a slight chance of getting anything from vaccine, your chance for harm or death from flu is greater, so you'd loose in a pure numbers game also. How is it I get the feeling that the people complaining here were also complaining month ago, about there nothing being done about H1N1. Its not even that big of a deal.
Commenter Name
Posted: 10/21/2009 2:35:01 PM
Vaccinations, pills and doctors are all needed. Everyone at some point in their life will need some or all of these. I've had AS for over 35 years (ankylosing spondylitis). Drugs i was taking for this condition, put me in the heart hospital. The doctor saved me. I now drink 2 to 4 ounces of Tahitian Noni Juice everyday for the last 8 years and 5 months. I have Not even had a cold. I found the natural for me.
Commenter Name
Posted: 10/21/2009 11:54:57 PM
I want to know the truth. I have been told it was experimental, then it wasnt. As USUAL, the people do not have ALL the facts about this vaccine! Being an asthmatic, 66 years of age, I am in a quandary as well as to take this vaccine or not.
Commenter Name
Posted: 10/22/2009 8:45:23 AM
I have to wonder who is benefiting from this -- my guess is the pharmaceutical companies, the government.... Who knows what will happen to people who are vaccinated years from now...
Commenter Name
Posted: 10/22/2009 8:46:54 AM
I have to wonder who is benefiting from this -- my guess is the pharmaceutical companies, the government.... Who knows what will happen to people who are vaccinated years from now...
Commenter Name
Posted: 11/3/2009 11:16:28 PM
Barbara, I don't watch mainstream news much, but have recently caught a couple of stories about 'healthy' h.s. and college students who have supposedly become very sick and/or died from swine flu. I confess I don't trust the stories. Have positive tests for confirming Swine Flu cases become widely available? And for these publicized cases of 'swine flu' deaths, is the appropriate diagnostic and forensic work being done...ruling out pre-existing conditions that could have made these people vulnerable, confirming that it was indeed the swine flu that they suffered from, etc? Bottom line, are these news stories reliable and is the medical work behind them solid or missing in action?
Commenter Name
Posted: 11/11/2009 6:00:36 PM
this is so sad. i tell everyone everything i know and learn about this vaccine. i have a friend who vaccinated her children they both caught the virus within 2 weeks of the vaccine. they will have to give my children the vaccine over my dead body because i will die protecting my children.
Commenter Name
Posted: 11/15/2009 5:59:42 PM
Barbara and everyone at NVIC...thank you for all of your hard work. Having had more then one person in our family who have had adverse reactions to vaccines,it is very difficult for the parents of young children to know what to do about the flu vaccines. 1. Shows like "The Doctors" seriously pushing the vaccine. Not once have I heard them state the importance of reporting any adverse reactions. 2. There is no blood test done after a vaccine is given to see if a person has converted. 3. There is not blood test done to check titers to determine if a vaccine is even necessary. (The doctor wanted to give my daughter a measles booster but I made them do a titer. My daughter's titers were elevated so she did not need the vaccine) 4. I wonder how many of the people who have died from complications of the flu, had the flu shot. These are just some of my thoughts at the moment. However I think that we, as concerned citizens, should get a petition written which everyone could sign, requesting "The Doctors" to name possible adverse reactions and encouraging people to request that adverse reaction reports be filed by their physicians. Any thoughts?
Commenter Name
Posted: 11/17/2009 9:16:07 AM
My childrens school will be providing H1N1 vaccines this Friday and Monday. My children will not be getting the vaccines and I will not be sending them to school on those days, but was wondering if anyone knew how long I should keep them away from others in school who are getting the vaccines. Thanksgiving break starts next Thursday, so I was thinking of keeping them away until after that. Any info is greatly appreciated.
Commenter Name
Posted: 11/18/2009 1:08:53 PM
Commenter Name
Posted: 11/19/2009 3:37:08 PM
I appreciate all the hard work and research that this org has put in to this for us! My daughter's school gave the vaccine today, but I didn't have her get it. I did however go to the school during this time as my job required it. What i saw was horrific. These kids were lined up like cattle and when the forms weren't filled out completely the school staff asked the kids to decide if they wanted the mist or shot. These are terrible times we're in right now, and I for one and thankful that I'm not the only one concerned about our children's well being. Thank you!
Commenter Name
Paul Arthur
Posted: 11/19/2009 3:47:19 PM
Go to www.nvic.org donations button and get your children the RED Bracelets "No Vaccine For Me" if that is your decision so they do not have to decide in school.
Commenter Name
Posted: 12/14/2009 5:12:03 PM
To Shawn and Shemise... Shawn, so you think that mercury is harmless in the human body? Where did you get that information? Your doctor? The same one urging you to a take a shot of snake puss and monkey pee? Google ethyl mercury, read some of the studies done on it, and then think for yourself. Formaldehyde and the other crap in those shots is equally bad for you, but ethyl mercury, thimerisol, is a NEUROTOXIN. Ask your doctor if it's okay to mix some mercury from your thermometer into your next big pot of soup...I bet he'll tell you no. And Shemise, who posted on 11-19, I'm sure you're long gone by now, but in case you should happen to stop back by here, I have something to say to you. You are bloody lucky that you haven't known of someone to take this vaccination and become ill or be killed by it. Vaccination clinics being held in my home town led to mass outbreaks of the H1N1, both in the vaccinated and unvaccinated kids, leading to school closures the week following the vax clinics. You feel you protected your kids by injecting them with poisons and the virus, which they then spread to others, likely the cause of the infection your daughter's friend contracted. I would not presume to say you were wrong in your actions, as you feel it was right, but for your sake, I hope that your children do not develop the side effects associated with this vaccine, and others, later in life, and come back, hating you for what you allowed to be done to them. It is not your place to consider those who opt against such as cowards because they are wise enough to recognize the dangers of these vaccinations. I chose for mine as you chose for yours...My children caught the virus because of their classmates, who were vaccinated and also became ill, and I know that my children are now immune to it, as they have acquired natural immunity to the virus. In a normal flu season, only 3% to 20% of flu like infections are actually flu, and the swine flu is far less infectious than the "seasonal flu". It spread like wildfire only after the foolish people started lining up their families for the shots and the mists.
Commenter Name
Posted: 12/23/2009 8:39:31 AM
i just had my vaccine and i also have medical problems ansd had to ask to take the shot and i'm only a teen. so i ws able to take it. i have 2 blood disorders.
Commenter Name
Posted: 11/19/2010 1:27:51 PM
From experience I used to get the flu shot every year because the gov made me get it. I got the flu every year because of it. It has been 20 years now since my last flu shot and I haven't had the flu in almost as many years. I do however eat a healthy diet and take 100% natural supplements to build up a healthy immune system. I believe in prevention 100% and a vaccine for the flu dioes not fit in my definiton of prevention.
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Paul Arthur
Posted: 4/15/2011 8:37:28 AM
Yes @Jackson but please give NVIC attribution.
Commenter Name
Posted: 6/1/2012 11:43:58 PM
i am a surviver of radiation shots given back in the 60's at the schools. my children face genetic mutation. i have had a couple of children react to immunizations and won't get more. they are also allergic to iodine that is used to treat radiation poisioning. they do give shot under the cover of immunizations. me, my children and grandchildren could die from taking the swine flu immunization. we react strongly to just a basic flu shot. do to my health they try to get me to take those shots but will not. this year i found out that i am native american and that radiation shots were being used as birth control on children. i also found out that i am in the smaller group of children that the radiation was given to. others on the native american tribes that were female had bottles inserted to remove female parts so they could not bear children. i have great respect for those that do right, fight for our country and most people. but very few do i trust.

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