NVIC Vaccine News

Vaccines & Liberty: Let Freedom Ring

By Barbara Loe Fisher
Published June 29, 2011 in Rights & Ethics

My country, ’tis of thee,

Sweet land of liberty,

Of thee I sing:

Land where my fathers died,

Land of the pilgrims’ pride,

From every mountain side,

Let freedom ring.1  
What is liberty?
Webster’s Dictionary defines Liberty as “the quality or state of being free,” which means:2 
  • “Freedom from physical restraint;”
  • “Freedom from arbitrary or despotic control;”
  • “The positive enjoyment of various social, political or economic rights and privileges;” and
  • “The power of choice.”
What is tyranny?
Tyranny is defined as “oppressive power” and “especially, oppressive power exerted by government;”3  
  • “The office, authority and administration of a tyrant;”
  • “A rigorous condition imposed by some outside agency or force;” or
  • “An oppressive, harsh or unjust act.”
The courageous men and women, who founded the United States of America and declared independence from tyranny on July 4, 1776, were escaping from the oppression of iron-fisted monarchies. They risked their lives to establish a nation that celebrates liberty, where citizens would be free from persecution for their religious beliefs and would not be under the thumb of an elitist aristocracy.
In the first sentence of the U.S. Constitution, the founders of our nation pledged “to establish justice” and “to secure the Blessings of Liberty” for all citizens.4 If democracy is government by the people through elected representatives and majority rule, liberty is defined in the Declaration of Independence5 and the U.S. Constitution as a natural right belonging to everyone that should never be taken away by the majority.
Natural rights, which are known today as human or moral rights, are individual liberties that belong to all humans no matter where they live.6  The right to privacy and free expression in speech and press were defined in the Bill of Rights7 as individual liberties, which limit the power of government and prevent abuse of individuals and minorities.
Today, there is no greater threat to liberty in America than the government enforced use of pharmaceutical products, such as vaccines, sold by corporations for profit that can both harm individuals8, 9 and can fail to work at all.10, 11 Our natural right to “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” is being violated when government health officials enlist doctors and politicians to track down and coerce us into injecting ourselves and our children with biological products that carry significant health risks for some without our voluntary, informed consent. 1213 
When Americans are threatened with loss of economic and societal privileges, such as being denied a public education, denied medical care, denied health insurance and denied the right to hold a job if we don’t get every dose of every government mandated vaccine, there is no other word for this but tyranny.14, 15  
The “community immunity” club being used today to take away civil liberties in the name of the greater good, conveniently fails to make a distinction between diseases. Hepatitis B is not polio and chickenpox is not smallpox but vaccine laws requiring mass use of dozens of doses of new vaccines treat all infectious diseases and vaccines the same way.
The large gaps in scientific knowledge about the damage that repeated vaccination from day of birth throughout life could be doing to our brains and immune systems has turned current vaccine laws into a forced, uncontrolled  scientific experiment on the American population.16 17, 18 
The fact that some of us are at greater risk for having our health crippled or losing our lives to vaccines because of genetic and biological risk factors we inherited makes one-size-fits-all vaccine laws “cruel and inhuman in the last degree.”19 
The fact that government operated electronic vaccine tracking systems are collecting medical data on us and sharing it with industry and vaccine developers without our informed consent, is a violation of our privacy.20 
The fact that scores of new genetically engineered vaccines are being brought to market21, 22,23, 24 by a wealthy pharmaceutical industry25  shielded from civil liability26  is a corporate stockholder's dream and a health care consumer’s worst nightmare.
The founders of our country could not have imagined this day would come in America when violation of the most important liberty, the right to self determination and the freedom to choose what we are willing to risk our lives or our children’s lives for, would be taken away from us.
For if the State can tag, track down and force individuals to be injected with biologicals of known and unknown toxicity today, there will be no limit on which individual freedoms the State can take away in the name of the greater good tomorrow.
Thomas Jefferson, author of the Declaration of Independence said “All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent.”27 
Albert Einstein, one of the world’s greatest scientists, echoed Jefferson’s defense of individual liberty, urging us to “Never do anything against conscience, even if the state demands it.”28  A philosopher and humanitarian, Einstein insightfully observed that “Force always attracts men of low morality.”29  

On this July 4th, I am celebrating the spirit, courage and common sense of the authors of the Declaration of Independence and U.S. Constitution. They knew that individual liberties were the heart and soul of a democracy because individual liberties protect the people from governmental abuse of power.
Are you ready to stand up for the right to follow your conscience and choose the kind of preventive health options you want for yourself and your children, including the freedom to choose to use every government recommended vaccine, some vaccines, or no vaccines at all?
Sign up for NVIC’s free Advocacy Portal at www.NVICAdvocacy.org and learn how you can protect health liberty in your state. Become a donor supporter of NVIC and protect the human rights of all Americans. 30  


1 My Country, Tis’ of Thee. Song sheet. (Author: Samuel Francis Smith, July 1831). Duke University Library Collection.
2 Merriam-Webster Dictionary. Definition of Liberty
3 Merriam-Webster Dictionary. Definition of Tyranny
4 United States Constitution. September 17, 1787. U.S. National Archives.
5 The Declaration of Independence. July 4, 1776. U.S. National Archives.
6 Fagan A. Human Rights. Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy. July 5, 2005.
7 The Bill of Rights. March 4, 1789. Ratified as Amendments to the U.S. Constitution, December 15, 1791. U.S. National Archives. 
8 Coulter HL, Fisher BL. DPT: A Shot in the Dark. 1985: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich.
9 Health Resources Services Administration (HRSA), U.S. Department of Health & Human Services. Vaccine Injury Compensation Program Statistics Report.
11 WABC-TV (NY). Whooping Cough Outbreak on Long Island. June 22, 2011.
13 NVIC. Cry for Vaccine Freedom Wall. Public reports of harassment by medical personnel for attempting to make informed, voluntary decisions about vaccination. 
15 Fisher BL. Forcing Flu Shots on Health Care Workers: Who Is Next? NVIC. September 29, 2010.
17 Fisher BL, Wrangham TK. NVIC Comments on Draft Recommendations on the Federal Vaccine Safety System. National Vaccine Advisory Committee.  June 6, 2011. 
18 Fisher BL. In Memoriam: Infant Deaths & Vaccination. NVIC. May 24, 2011. 
19 Jacobson v. Massachusetts, 197 U.S. 11(1905). LSU Law Center. See # 84.  
24 U.S. National Institutes of Health. Vaccine Clinical Trials. 
25 Healthcare Finance. Global Vaccine Market Now Exceeds $20B. August 13, 2010.
27 American History Central, Encyclopedia of American History. Thomas Jefferson  
30 Support NVIC: Stand Up and Be Counted. Click here to make a donation. 

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12 Responses to "Vaccines & Liberty: Let Freedom Ring"
Commenter Name
Phyllis Wheeler
Posted: 7/1/2011 9:52:38 AM
You go, girl! Thanks for being our spokesperson. I hope some politicians will help us fight this fight.
Commenter Name
Posted: 7/1/2011 1:32:09 PM
Dear Ms. Fisher, Many thanks for your fine Independence Day message and your excellent work over the years. You do not know me; but through your work you have always been there with information and support when I most needed you. To discover you are an advocate of human liberty in every sense of the word confirms my sense that you are a kindred spirit, and it brightens my day. Thank you again. LMN http://littlemargaretnan.wordpress.com/
Commenter Name
Terri, RN
Posted: 7/1/2011 5:16:03 PM
As a nurse and one who opposes mandatory vaccination, it is important for all healthcare workers to stand up for their rights to decline required vaccinations at the work place. Please read the ingredients and the process by which these vaccines are being produced. I voluntarily took a seasonal vaccine prior to them being required and sustained injury in the form of an autoimmune disease. It was not diagnosed for six years and I spent those years wondering what had happened to me since the severe reaction to the vaccine. Not having been given informed consent, I discovered that one of the ingredients of which I am severely allergic was present in the vaccine and dredged through it during processing. This ingredient is formaldehyde. Please research the vaccines and READ the side effects, the side effects are REAL and occurring everyday. Of course, the medical community is not acknowledging the fact that the vaccines are causing the illnesses. PLEASE INFORM YOURSELVES AND PROTECT YOUR RIGHTS, YOURSELF AND YOUR FAMILY & FRIENDS!
Commenter Name
Mike Fuller
Posted: 7/1/2011 11:07:37 PM
Thanks for the excellent presentation. These arguments are one I've been thinking about to oppose water fluoridation in my area. About 70% of America is being forced to consume fluoride, a non-essential element and a neuro-toxic industrial waste product in their drinking water. It has a long history of public deception by public health officials for over 70 years. How have we allowed this to happen? First fluoride, then vaccines. What will be next? Public sterilization? If you want to consider inconsistency think about this: We are still allowed the choice to smoke cigarettes. We know it kills about 1/2 million people in the U.S. each year. It costs all of us billions of dollars each year and huge premiums for health coverage, if you're lucky enough to afford it. But we still have a CHOICE to kill ourselves with tobacco. The Government does NOT give us a choice to consume vaccines and fluoride. In all these cases, who wins? The multinational corporations.
Commenter Name
Posted: 7/2/2011 12:21:55 AM
Now, I agree with the fact that people should be given a choice when it comes to what they put in their body(i.e. vaccines) but please don't give me that flat line of B.S. that vacines(sp) cause autism. This has been studied extensively and there has been no link towards autism. I say this as a highly educated(Doctorate) person and a twin of a special needs child. Terri, how do you know it was the formaldehyde, did you ever work with cadavers in your schooling? They are loaded with formaldehyde(not anymore) but did you have your allergic reaction then. Here is my hypothesis about why people still think there is a link between autism and vaccines: 1. When a child is diagnosed with autism, they essentially hit a developmental milestone and start showing symptoms. A good mother, typically blames herself for the child's disability or finds something to blame. Since the child is vaccinated constantly, it's an easy target. I am not sure which articles you are reading terri, but may I suggest obtaining your "research" from somewhere less biased? That is your biggest responsibility towards the public as a nurse.
Commenter Name
Kathy P.
Posted: 7/3/2011 4:40:52 PM
Barbara, Thank you for all you do to get the word out to the public regarding vaccines. I have 2 grandchildren that are vaccine damaged. We need to get the public informed of the dangers. Adam, You need to read the book "The Age of Autism". There is quite a long history of mercury and its toxic effect on humans. Do your own research, it starts with mercury treating syphilis back in the 1800's. Mercury cured syphilis, but the side effect was insanity.
Commenter Name
Posted: 7/4/2011 10:01:41 AM
OM! Right to freedom of choice. Beautifully stated Barbara You are important. Your actions matter. Your thoughts create. Your presence changes everything.
Commenter Name
Posted: 8/12/2011 5:10:50 AM
Beautiful and patriotic words. You are lucky enough to live in a country that inspires a lot of people there is much to learn. Thanks Barbara for your awesome post!
Commenter Name
Posted: 10/31/2011 2:23:37 AM
B. Loe Fischer: I am grateful for you and all the hard work you do to find the truth and expose it, as well as give us the facts. You do it in a tactful non biased way. I am an RN working in an ICU and have previously refused flu vaccines. Until now, my hospital will mandate it or else wear a mask until March! When I was pregnant two years ago I refused the H1N1 vaccine. No thanks to me and my baby to be the guinea pigs of your vaccine hoopla. I was recently diagnosed with an autoimmune disease (go figure) and it has a long process to recovery. I am fearful to death of getting the flu vaccine this year, as well as any other that will be 'forced' on me. This one especially I do not have faith in. I wish I could be helped against this 'tyranny'. Just to note, why is it that sometimes the most critical entries from 'highly educated' people such as the nameless one above have the most misspellings and typographical errors? It takes away from the message to me.
Commenter Name
Posted: 2/12/2013 11:09:10 PM
My arm’s a little sore, but nohnitg that restricts movement.The soreness in my arm didn't kick in heavy until the second day, and then it killed. I was popping pain killers all day that day.I had other symptoms, but I can't directly connect them to the shot. My muscles in general felt stiff, but that may have been the pain from my arm radiating throughout my body. Or maybe I should have stretched before I played a crazy game of squash the other day. I felt kind of depressed too, just a bit of a funk. That came and went. And then I had a bad headache one morning.It's 4 days now and I think I'm back to normal, as normal as anyone with all my genetic defects can be hope for anyway.
Commenter Name
Posted: 1/13/2015 1:53:21 AM
I really liked the article about vaccines and liberty. Today, pharmaceutical products have been a great threat to our country. We have many rights and we claim our freedom .But the truth is we are being suppressed in many regions of our life. Thank you for this informative article about vaccines.
Commenter Name
Posted: 2/12/2017 10:51:00 AM
You offer no scientific evidence. You do not present both sides of the story as your "organization" claims to. You are only skimming the surface, cherry picking your facts. The safety and efficacy of vaccines is tested and monitored CLOSELY. The challenge in picking up adverse events is actually trying to attribute something TO the vaccine itself which is challenging to do. If you look at the literature, there have been several instances where the FDA and CDC acted swiftly when there was even the HINT of a safety issue. To protect the children. You're brainwashing people into this conspiracy theory and it's absolute rubbish. I say this as a highly educated health care professional and researcher. I have changed my view on certain policies of vaccinations MANY times because that's what scientists are supposed to do- evaluate the evidence, and alter viewpoints when faced with new information. However, that information needs to be soundly based in evidence and not anecdotal. Your entire website purposefully chooses what you want to hear and ignores the facts. THIS is why our country is in the position we're in.

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